Birds and Cows

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I ran and ran from the monster. I was almost to the tree and I thought of Anna. I looked back to see if the monster was still after me, and it wasn't. So I decided that if I saw an animal I would kill it so Anna and I could eat. I spotted a pig and walked towards it. The pig didn't even move when I approached it. I found a jagged rock nearby to use. I didn't want to kill the innocent creature, I really didn't. I stood over the pig, it's eyes stared blankly at me.I looked over to my left and saw a even smaller pig nearby, it was a piglet. I decided to leave them be and headed back to the tree.

When I got back Anna was looking out of a peep hole. "Hey!" I said.

"Hey Zane did you get me up here, or was it magic?" She said sarcastically.

She came up to me and hugged me. "Well, um... Miss me much?"

She glanced my way and said. "Uh, No! Just wondering when you would get back, that's all."

"Ok, whatever. Oh, are you hungry? I tried looking for food. I was unsuccessful. But... I did manage to see that monster that roams this world." I decided to start a little fire, using stones and twigs. She came closer to the fire and asked me to explain the monster to her. I decided to sharpen a stick with a rock I found as I explained the bird.

"It was like 7 feet tall! It was pitch black! It looked like a giant crow! It also has a really big and sharp beak too." She stared at me in amazement. She looked so pretty sitting there with the fire reflecting in her eyes. Her hair was a little mangled from the journey that we had made and her makeup was all over her eyes. I realized that she didn't look good. "Are you ok Anna?"

"Yeah, i'm just hungry." She protested.

"Oh, s..sorry um, i'll go find something for us." I headed to the door of the tree. Im outside, I look up and the sky was a mix between dark purple and black, and the stars were so bright. The cool thing about it was that you could see the shape of the stars. They don't actually look like stars, they are balls of energy, big balls of color, not stars. And that's a Fact!

Anyway, so I go outside and see a cow nearby, but this time there were no babies to change my mind. I stood over it with the sharp stick. I looked at it and he didn't really notice my presence. There was sweat on my forehead and my heart was pounding, I didn't want to kill it. I struck it in the head. It's moo was long and devastating. I had to hit it at least 100 times till it was dead. Then the smell of coppery blood filled the air. My hands were bloody, so bloody it was gruesome. I dragged the cow back to the tree. Anna was waiting for me.

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