Holy Shit...

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We ran all over the world looking all around. We finally gave up and started to head back towards the tree.

"Zane look! The portal is in the tree!"

"Hurry run!"

So we ran toward the tree. The portal was turquoise and purple. We both jumped into it.

I awoke next to Zane in another strange land. He was standing up with alarm in his eyes.

What's wrong I ask.

"This land is creepy, it gives me the heebie-jeebies." He said.

"Yeah I guess." I added. The ground was covered in snow and were were on a hill. It was kind've chilly.

Its pretty cold don't you think?

"Yeah, we need to stay close." He said.

"Ok, let's make a fire!"

"Sure, let me find sticks or something." He agreed.

So after a while we got a fire started and hovered by it.

I'm still cold and the fire helps a little bit. He moved right next to me and put his arm around me. I blushed a little and I couldn't help but turn my attention to him. I looked at him and we lock eyes. His face gets closer to mine, until we're almost touching noses. At first I was a little nervous, as he got closer to me. I could see his eyes staring back at mine. I looked at his green eyes, I wonder what he is thinking. I could smell his cologne. We both tilted our heads and closed our eyes. Then our lip interlocked, his skin was soft and smooth. He is a good kisser, a really good kisser.

I just stared at him. He turned his head in embarrassment. After that we acted like it never happened.

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