An assassin?

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My dad asked me tons of questions, like where was I, how did I find him, are mom and Max alright. After I explained everything. He just kept held of me. Dad, you can let go of me. "Oh, right. Sorry." He let go of me, and I sat down next to him. He was holding something in his hand, he kept glancing at it. "What's that?" I asked. "It's just a picture of us all, at the family reunion last year." I smiled, "You mean the one where we had that huge water balloon fight in the back yard?" I questioned "Yep, that's the one." My dad seemed like he was anticipating to say something. "Dad are you alright?" I begged "Yeah honey, i'm fine. I'm really sorry we had to give you up is all." He looked like he was about to cry. "Dad were going to get out of here, and we're going to be home in no time, ok." I reassured him. He kissed my forehead. "I know pumpkin, I know." He layed back down on the ground, and I cuddled right next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep. When I woke up I looked around, and dad wasn't there. I got up and looked outside, he was cooking something on a low fire. He looked at me while he was turning a piece of meat. "Good morning Anna, did you sleep ok?" He asked a little concerned "Yeah, I slept fine." I responded I got up and went over to where he was. What are you cooking? I asked. "I found a small rodent of some kind, I had to pluck these weird spikes off of it." I looked at the animal. "Hey dad, did it have purple spikes by any chance?" He didn't answer me, he just looked at me. "Wait don't eat that!" My dad looked at me confused. "A friend of mine said that it was poisonous and it will kill you!" I told him. "Oh." All my dad said, was oh. I thought about how glad I was that I had gotten to him, he would've been dead without me. I sighed "Dad, do you have any weapons like a sharp stick, or a hunting knife?" I asked hoping he had something. "Yeah, I have a knife in my pocket, Why?" He told me. "Let me get us some food, ok? I know what i'm looking for". He hesitated before getting the knife out of his pocket, he set it in the palm of my hand. "Be safe please, I can't afford to lose you." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I headed into the undergrowth and I crouched onto the ground, I was kinda duck walking. I was trying to remember what Cali would do, I used to watch this show about a girl who hunted. She used to duck walk sometimes, but she also stayed in one place for a long time. And I wanted to find food and quick. I figured, so I only have a pocket knife, how is a pocket knife going to kill anything. So I resolved the problem, kinda. I decided that if I found something, that I would use it like a throwing knife. I looked around and saw a squirrel climbing up a tree. I tried to aim at the squirrel. Then I thrust my arm forward and the knife went flying. I watched as the knife dug into the wood. Great, the squirrel got away, just great. I started to head over to the tree. I was about to reach for the knife, when someone grabbed me and pulled me against them. A young man spoke up. "Ah, Hello Anna. I wouldn't grab that knife if I were you." I looked down to where his hand was, he had a knife to my neck. He spoke again. "Now Anna, I didn't want to do this, but i'm being paid.. So yeah." I quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind me. "Oww!", he exclaimed. He dropped the knife, and I grabbed mine out of the tree. I pushed him down, and held him there with my knife to his neck and his knife kicked off to the side. "Hmph, you are smarter than you seem sweetheart." I looked at him in astonishment. I shook my head. "Don't you ever call me sweetheart, ever." I quickly said. "Well, doll it won't matter after I have gotten rid of you." I put the knife closer to his neck, putting a little pressure on it. He spoke up. "Hey, hey. Don't do anything you will regret later, alright?" I just looked at him, thinking about what I should do next. While I was in mid thought, I heard him speak. He almost whispered as he talked. "Lets try again, shall we sweetheart?" All the sudden he was gone, like in a blink of an eye! Then all of the sudden I felt someone push me to the ground, and a foot was on my back. I realised it was him again. He spoke again. "Well, I see you're alright at handling yourself, mind if I tag along?" I was surprised when he asked. I pondered the question for a bit. "Hm, alright but you have to promise that you won't try anything ok?" He agreed. "Sure whatever." I wasn't sure how dad would react to someone who just attempted to kill me, especially if he wants to tag along. I then realised that I didn't even know the guys name. "Hey, what's your name anyways?" I asked "Oh, well my name is Carson." Hm, Carson, interesting name. "Ok, Carson. You may tag along but not yet." He looked confused "Well, when can I then?" I told him. "I have to tell my father, I don't know how he is going to react to you." He didn't seem worried at all by my father. "I bet he will love me, everyone loves an assassin!" I looked at him. "Hmph, yeah right. I will meet up with you here at midnight ok?" Carson looked at me. "Hey works for me." He commented. I looked around. "Ok, it's settled then, I will see you at midnight tonight, no tricks."He nodded before heading back into the undergrowth. I was a little worried about that Carson guy, but everyone gets a second chance. I'm willing to give him a second one. Darn, I didn't get any food. I decided to head back empty handed. "I'm back!" I yelled. "Hi Ann, any luck?" He asked. "Nope, none. But I did meet someone, I was thinking maybe he could tag along?" "He?" My dad looked concerned and tired. "Yeah, his name is Carson." I told him. "And how old is this.. Carson?" He asked. "He looks to be around my age." I said. "I don't know Ann.. a guy your age.. I mean.." I cut him off. "Dad, I can handle myself and he seems..nice." He gave me the stink eye. "Come on dad..please?" I grabbed his arm and tugged at it, like I did as a child begging for candy. "Please.." He sighed, I knew I had beat him. I had won. "Fine Ann, when is he coming?" Well. "I told him to meet me at midnight where we had met." He looked at the ground. "Alright, if he tries anything I won't hesitate to kill him." I quietly added. "Ok, he promised he wouldn't kill me or anything." He looked at me "Huh?" I quickly said. "Oh, it's nothing." I thought about Carson, he wore a black long jacket thing. He had light brown hair but I couldn't see his eye color. He had a dagger but I also saw a long sheath on his back, so he must've had a sword too. He was skinny, and pretty skilled. I thought about how he had just disappeared then appeared behind me. I guess I will just have to ask him tonight.

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