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My father looked down. "When those people showed up at our house while you were at school. Wait you're mother told you about that right?" I nodded. "Ok good anyways, they said that if they couldn't find you, they would fetch an assassin after you." I looked at him, then buried my face into his chest. I wasn't sure if I could trust Carson, after hearing that. I quickly got up, and ate some of the chicken Carson had cooked. I didn't eat it till he took a bite first though. I slept by dad for the whole night. When I woke up, dad was petting my hair. "Good Morning pumpkin, sleep well?" I nodded then got up. I went outside to see that Carson was sleeping by the fire that was put out. I went over to dad and asked him to light the fire. By my surprise he went over and lit it. Dad and I sat by the fire and watched the flames dance. Carson was still asleep. He looked peaceful as he slept, sorta...harmless. Then out of nowhere we hear screaming, like shrills. "HELP SOMEONE! Stop! I can't, Stop!" Dad and I jumped to our feet, while Carson got up and darted towards the shrieking. "Carson wait!" I yelled, but he already disappeared into the underbrush. "Anna, please stay behind, Carson and I can handle it." I looked at him then said. "Dad, I saved you from eating a poisonous breakfast, i'm coming." He sighed, then ran into the woods. I followed him, I tried to follow dad but it was getting hard to see. Then smack! I ran head first into dad's back. I went around him to see what was happening. There was Carson in the middle of a swarm of people. The people wore leather armor with hooded capes. They had Glaives in their hands, and they were all pointing them at Carson. Carson had a small smirk on his face. He took out his long sword and held the blade close to his chest. He jumped up into the air and landed onto one of the guys backs. He slashed the guy in the back then used the guy to jump onto another man. He did this until all the men lay dead in a circle. He landed in the middle of the dead men. He looked at me then smiled. My dad wore a surprised expression as he just stared at Carson. I'm betting he was realising how powerful Carson was and how easily he could use those skills on me, but I still trust him. Then to break the stare Carson and I were having, we heard cowering by a tree. A man lay there, with his hands on his head. He also had something in his hand. He was crying, lightly. Carson and I shared a glance then we all headed towards the man. He was wearing a black tee and jeans. He had dark brown hair, it was short and spiky. I gotta say, he was a little cute. Maybe even cuter than Carson but not as cute as Zane. The man slowly got to his feet. He looked at us with wide eyes. "I..i'm sorry to drag you into this, but I thank you for helping me." Carson spoke up. "Who are you, and what is your business here?" The man looked at me then spoke again. "I.. I am Kael, I am using this necklace to track down a friend." He showed us the necklace. It was a pretty necklace, and it glowed a shade of white. I asked him if I could hold it. He gave it to me, and told me to be careful. I looked at the back first, I saw an engraving that said, Jay + Aaron. Then I flipped it to the front, it had a golden chain and in the middle of it was a red diamond looking jem. I gave it back to him and he nodded while he took it. Carson went to examine the men that he just defeated. My dad went over to the man, and asked him what had happened. "I was walking here, then all these men came out. At first they asked me if I saw a older man and two kids, I told them no. Then they started attacking." Carson looked at me after scavenging what he could find useful. "Hey Anna, these people are assassins like me, just not as skilled as I am." After a few minutes we brought Kael back to our camp, and got him something to eat. Kael was munching on one of the candy bars I had brought when Carson sat down next to him and started talking to him. I didn't bother finding out what they were talking about, nor did I really care. Dad looked over at me. "Anna let's go find something to eat?" I knew that he didn't want me alone with the guys. I decided that it would be best if I just went with him. We told the guys that we were going hunting and then we left into the woods. Dad and I were walking and I noticed that there was a lot of moss on the trees, and the ground. By now I can safely say that it's been at least an hour out here, and all we managed to catch was a bunny. We started to head home when dad said he spotted what looked like a small house. We headed towards the house. When we finally stood in front of it, all I could do was stare at the house. My dad looked at me and asked if I was alright. I screamed "Zane!" Then I darted into the witch's hut.

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