Him again..

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I was lying in bed when I heard a loud thump from upstairs. I got up, and the candle that was next to me had blown out. I couldn't find the lighter, so I was walking around in a room that was almost pitch black. Every morning I stub my toe, but I made note of that and crawled on all fours today so I couldn't stub my toe. I started to crawl, then. "Thump! Oww!" I smacked my head on a corner of a dresser. "Sh..Shit!" I layed back and pressed my hand over my wound. "Oww" When I took my hand off my head, I thought I saw a faint trace of blood on my hand, but it was too dark to tell. "When I get upstairs where there's better lighting, I will look in a mirror." I got back on my knees and started crawling again. The floor was cold and hard, it was made out of cement. Finally I found the steps, and climbed them. I grabbed the handle of the floor door. It was cold to the touch. With my upper body, I pushed it above me. I could see the light come into the basement room. I pushed it so it would fall open, I came upstairs to find every potion and incantation sprawled onto the floor. Some were broke, and others were alright. There were liquids everywhere from potions that broke. I looked around for the witch, but I didn't see her. Then I felt all tingly as I saw someone enter the hut. Then my legs felt like jelly, and I collapsed onto the floor.

I woke up in a chair. I was in a small room, like a bedroom. The walls were made of rock, and the floor was too.I realized that my arms were taped to the chair, and so were my legs. It was a little chilly, and I could feel the hairs on my arm sticking up from the cold. There were no windows, so it was almost pitch black. I was used to the darkness though, cause of living downstairs with the witch. There was an iron door in the corner of the wall. I layed back and prayed that whoever comes into the room doesn't want to kill me.

After a few minutes I heard talking outside the door.Then the door opened. It was very bright outside the room. Then a man with a black cowl came inside the room. He had a clipboard with some papers clamped onto it. He was also holding a metal chair. He came in and he set the chair a few feet in front of me, then he took a seat. He looked at me, then he wrote something down on his papers. "Why the heck am I here! I demand an answer!" I spat at him. After I said that, he just stared at me blankly. Then he wrote something else on his papers. "Do you know an Annabeth Salter?" He asked plainly. I looked at him with a blank expression. "What? Repeat the name.." I said. He looked at me, and wrote something on the paper. "I said, Annabeth Salter, got it now?" She never said her last name.. But it must me my Anna. "Answer the question, Zane." He added. I looked down at my feet. "Yes, I know her. Why?" I answered. He wrote my response on the paper then asked me another question. "Do you.. like her?" I didn't respond. "Or do you love her?" I looked up at him. "I'm guessing that is a yes?" He said. And I nodded. He wrote my response on the paper again. "Let me ask you this. How do you fall in love with someone whom you met for only a few days?" I didn't want to respond, nor did I know how to. I knew that I did indeed.. Love her. But that is the extent of my knowledge. "Why am I here?" I asked. I didn't want to answer his question. "Do you really want to know, Zane?" He said. I wasn't sure, I knew it had to do with Anna in some way or another, especially with this man. "Are you going to answer my question Zane?" He asked. I said in response "No, I am not." He wrote my answer on his paper. "Well Zane I am sorry to break the news to you. But anna.. Well she is dead." After hearing what he said. My throat went dry and I almost choked. I wasn't able to say anything. I took a deep breath, then I spoke. "You are lying.." He wrote my answer down. "Actually I am not, it seems that you believe me, but don't want to admit it to yourself? Do you want to know how she died?" I wanted to know her fate but I didn't either. I also did believe him. But how? She was sent home, wasn't she? "Do you want to know something sad?" He said. I looked at him. "She was actually looking for you, she used the po-ball you gave her to search for you. But she died, and to know she was really close." He shook his head. I just stared at the wall in front of me. She's dead.. if I hadn't given her that po-ball she would be alive. And I gave it to her cause of my own selfishness. He wrote some things on his paper. "Ya know, she died to a group of our men. We slowly put her to her death, we made her suffer. You should've killed her when I told you to. Then you would've been able to go home too." I started to think about the time I fell in the hole, and she tried to help me with my wound. That was when she found out I wasn't human. He snapped his fingers, realizing I was daydreaming. "Now, you do know that all of this was your fault right?" I kept my head down, as hot tears came rolling down my face. "Well, I will let you have some peace. Good Night Zane."

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