Love is deadly...

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It's been three days, and we managed to get ourselves lost.. Great. "Anna, are you coming?" Carson was looking at me, and waiting for me to quicken my pace. We were out looking for food, we had a place that we have been sleeping but it's just a small cave that he had found. We found a lake that had some fish in it. Carson had made a spear today, he ripped some of his clothing to tie a sharp rock to a stick, and it seemed nice enough to use. We stopped at the edge of the lake. I watched as he stood by the lake, watching the water; waiting for movement to strike at. I watched as he was tightening his grip on the spear. It is a little hard to admit this because of Zane, but I think that i'm starting to like Carson. I shouldn't feel guilty because Zane is.. Well dead. But for some reason I still feel guilty. Right as that thought passed my mind I heard Carson yell "Die Fish!" as he started rapidly stabbing the water. I quickly let my attention to him. "God, you scared me." He laughed as he lifted the spear. At the end of it was a piece of a plastic bottle of some sort. He looked at the end of the spear. I started to laugh a little. "What the hell is so funny!" He said sternly. I could hear the seriousness in his voice. "Hey, Carson it's alright..." I said reassuringly. He threw the spear onto the ground and started to walk away. "Carson wait, what is so wrong?" I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward me hoping I could get an answer out of him. He looked at me, surprised that I had grabbed him. "How am I supposed to keep you alive if you can't eat?!" He put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm supposed to protect you Anna. If I can't even do that, then what am I?" I wasn't really sure what to say so we just kept staring into each others eyes. As if we both were waiting for a response. He was staring at me and his face was getting closer to mine. "If you want me to stop just say so.." I didn't say anything and he was inches away from my lips. "Just say something if-" I grabbed his head and brought his lips to mine. The rest of his words were lost against my mouth. He kissed me carefully, gently but I wasn't exactly in the mood for gentle. I knotted my fist into his shirt pulling him harder against my body. I heard a soft groan as he wrapped his arms around my back. We stayed there for awhile until I heard a voice that seemed too familiar to be true. "Anna..?" I pulled myself off of Carson and looked in the direction of the person who called my name. "Zane? You... you're alive.. How?" I could see tears streaming down his face, he started to turn around. "Wait Zane.. please don't go!" I started to walk in Zane's direction. Then Carson spoke up. "Sorry Anna, but he's gone. Hey have you ever heard of the wildflower called Fleeting Death?" I just looked at him with a confused face. Then all the sudden I felt really dizzy and my vision was blurry. And everything went black. Carson turned his attention to me. "Poor Anna.. you should know it's dangerous to fall for an Assassin, they all do." Then he started walking in Zane's direction with his sword drawn as he wiped the mashed up flower residue off his face.

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