Did Batman just rescue me?

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I didn't sleep at all. It was around noon when the man came back. He brought his chair in again, and set it in front of me. This time he didn't have his clipboard. I kept my head down and stared at the small puddle made of my tears. I knew he was looking at me. "Morning Zane, did you sleep well?" I shook my head. "Well that isn't good, maybe we should put you on some meds to make you sleep." He realised that I wasn't going to talk to him. "I have good news for you, it's about your precious Anna." I looked up slightly, but not straight at him. "Well she had Carson, a well trained assassin with her, he killed my men before they could lay a finger on your Anna." I looked at him now. "So you mean.. She is alive?" He nodded. "Sadly yes." I smiled, thank the lord she is still alive. "Want to know something funny Zane?" I looked at him. "I don't care about your funny thing. I just want to leave." He told me his funny thing anyways. "Well, after the fight her and her dad took a stroll and found the witches hut, now she thinks you are dead! Ha, you should've seen her face." I didn't know her dad was with her. I guess that's good, so it's not just her and some assassin guy. The man stood up, he went behind me and cut the rope that was holding my hands together. "Better?" He asked. I nodded. All I wanted to do was find Anna and hold her in my arms, I would tell her how sorry I was that she was even in all this mess. I got up from the chair and stretched. "Well Zane, do you think we should let you go?" I slowly nodded. He smirked then headed towards the door. Before he opened the door he looked at me. I started heading towards the door, he closed it before I could do anything. I heard a faint "click" I realised that I was trapped, but I didn't have to sit in a chair anymore. I leaned my back into the corner of the room. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up, and I knew it was late at night. It was a little chilly, I looked around the room and by the door their was a blanket that looked wool. I got up and went over to the door. I picked up the blanket and read the note. The note read: I saw that you were shivering, so I brought you a blanket. I took the blanket to the corner of the room where I was at, and wrapped myself into it. I fell asleep for a few hours before the door opened. I got up quickly and looked to see who was going to walk in, but no one did. I stood there for a good five minutes, but no one came in or even passed by the door. I slowly inched my way to the frame of the door. I looked out and the hallway was lit with lights and the walls and floor were blue. I left the room and slowly headed down one of the hallways. I saw a bathroom and realized I had to go, and I was very thirsty. I quietly went into the bathroom and went, then right as I zipped up my fly someone entered the bathroom. I froze, and he caught on that I was standing there not peeing or anything. He then said something "You alright in there?" I said "Yeah, I... I just... I just puked on the floor... I need to clean it up..." The man did his business, and then left the bathroom. "Phew" I stepped out of the bathroom, I looked out into the hall. No one was visible, then out of nowhere a loud siren went off and red lights were flashing in the hallway, I realized that they found out I had gotten out of the room and are now looking for me. I started to run and I couldn't see anything other than hallways. I heard someone called my name. I looked over to the person who summoned me. It was someone who was covered head and toe in black and I couldn't see his face. He grabbed me and said. "Were getting out of here! Come on!" Then we started running.

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