I tried..

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I couldn't hold back the tears, as I ran. The branches of trees were whipping across my face. I couldn't get the image of Anna out of my head. I didn't remember where exactly I was going, but I knew my destination. I was trying to head back to the hut, where Anna's father and Briar are. I stopped dead in my tracks. I was left with a fork in the road. I heard a crack from a branch behind me and I didn't want to face Anna right now. I turned around "Just leave me alone, I don't wanna see you right now." I said, hoping she would leave. "Oh, i'm not Anna. I'm the guy that is going to end you so you aren't a problem. Then I will end Anna as well." Carson emerged from behind a tree. I realized that Anna wasn't with Carson. "Wait... Where is Anna?" I asked. Carson smirked. "Ya know, just unconscious." Anna had been tricked... I had been tricked as well. "Now, let's get this party started." Carson said. Carson got his sword battle ready. I had to try something, before I become a shishkabob. "Please Carson, you don't have to do this. You can change." Carson stood straight now. He said. "I pity you, so I will be a little easier on you." Carson threw his sword at a tree, only a few inches from my face. I flinched. "let's get started shall we?" Carson came at me with his fists up. He punched me right in the gut, to tell the truth I didn't really feel it. When he backed up, I saw an opportunity. I kneed him right in the groin, and he fell like a fly. He sat there, covering his groin. I kicked his head, hoping to knock him out. But he stood right up, and punched me square in the face. "Gah!" I got dizzy for a few seconds. He pushed me onto the ground and was hitting me, blow by blow. I tried to block his attacks with my arms but I wasn't that effective. When he got off of me he was gone. I got up and looked around. That's when I realized that his sword was not stuck in the tree anymore. Then all the sudden I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my chest. I looked down and saw Carson's sword sticking through my body. My eyes got wide and I remember screaming as loud as I possibly could. Everything else was blurry and seemed distant. But the thing I remember most was Anna. "Zane!" She screamed. I heard a loud thump, and Carson was laying on the ground next to me.

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