Chapter 1

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"Ash the fish like to come out in the morning!" Teen Blue Eyes signed to his best friend Ash.

The two chimps ran of and out of the ape colony, with a spear in their hands. They booted playfully as they climbed the trees and swung around, quickly making there way to the river that was near by. Every morning, they always go to the river. Fish were seen there and more active in the morning, so they always liked to go fishing.

They would usually bring home a few fish, but what they didn't know is that they were going to bring something home. And let me tell you, it wasn't fish. When they made it to the river, they stood on large rocks and looked into the water. Ashe lightly poked Blue Eyes shoulder and pointed at the water. Coming forth was a large fish. Blue Eyes nodded and got his spear, ready to strike and stab the fish.

When the fish was right in front of him, he stabbed the water, but missed the fish. Blue Eyes lightly growled while Ash hooted in laughter. Blue Eyes huffed and slightly pushed Ash into the shallow water, knowing he wouldn't drift away or drown. Ash screeched from the cold water and immediately got out, shaking off the water from his fur.

Blue Eyes hooted in laughter,  it stopped when Ash splashed water on him. Fishing was in the back of their minds now, as they started to have a splashing war. Just as Blue Eyes was about to tackle Ash, they both heard a cry, making them freeze.

They heard another cry and stood up straight, trying to look around, wanting to find out where the sound was coming from. They heard again, but louder. Ash searched around the land, but in his side view vision, he saw something in the water.

He hooted loudly, catching his friends attention. Blue Eyes looked at Ash frantically and saw his friend pointing towards the water. He looked over and saw the wooden box. Then heard a cry come from it. Ash looked at Blue Eyes waiting for him to do something. Blue Eyes was suspicious and didn't do anything at first, but was shocked when Ash grabbed one of there spears.

Ash climbed onto a rock, farther in the river. Blue Eyes hooted quickly, telling Ash to be careful. Ash grabbed the end of his spear and as the wooden box floated by, he used the spear to guide it closer to him. Once the box was in front of him he grabbed in with both hands.

He slowly walked back, not wanting to fall in the water. He set the box down on the floor gently and looked up at Blue Eyes. They began to sniff it from afar, but Blue Eyes jumped back when a loud cry came from the box. Ash hooted lightly in laughter, pointing at his friend, who was now pouting slightly from embarrassment.

Then another cry was heard, as well as sniffling. Ash got closer to the box and sniffed it, but then got a nasty smell through his nose. He rubbed his snout with his hand, wanting the smell to go away.

"It smells awful!" Ash signed to Blue Eyes.

Blue Eyes didn't even bother getting closer to sniff. With that reaction from Ash, he was telling the truth. Ash looked back up at Blue Eyes after he looked at the box with slight disgust.

"What do we do?" Ash signed to the Ape Prince.

Blue Eyes didn't really know what to do. It didn't looked like a threat, I mean it was a box. But, he knew something was in that box. It could be anything. It could be innocent or dangerous. He didn't want to risk his family and signed to Ash,

"Leave it. Might be dangerous."

Ash hooted and shook his head, "It a box. No danger."

Blue Eyes rolled his eyes and signed, "Something is inside idiot."

Ash gave his friend a playful glare. That last thing he wanted to do was leave the box here. He gave Blue Eyes a mischievous look, then quickly grabbed the box and ran off. Blue Eyes hooted loudly and followed his friend quickly. As Ash ran up a tree the cries from the box grew louder. Whatever was inside sure was annoying to the chimps.

He ignored the cries for now and ran through the entrance of the ape colony. Blue Eyes ran after him, but it was already to late.

Blue Eyes father was down below from the there hut, his mother sitting next to who held his brother. Ash ran up to Caesar, but stopped and slowly then walked up to him. Caesar was talking to his wife, but then another cry was heard from the box. That caught every single Apes attention.

Caesar looked over at Ash quickly, then saw the box in the teen chimps hand. He stood up and looked at the box, with no readable expression. He gestured Ash to put it down, which he did. Some Apes gathered around, but kept there distance.

"Where do you find this?" Caesar signed to his son and Ash.

Blue Eyes looked down at the ground, while Ash signed for both of them, giving Caesar an answer.

"Found in river." Ash simply signed.

Caesar looked back down at the box, but soon saw some of the apes crowding. He hooted loudly, causing the apes to run off and stay away. Caesar walked up to the box and sniffed it. He smelled an awful Oder and knew it was urine. He then heard a small whimper come from the box. He gently picked up the box and started walking to his and his families hut. His wife and children were right behind him.

Usually he would object and tell them to stay back, but by the smell of it, this was no threat. Once in the hut, he looked at his wife and eldest son.

"Do we open it?" Blue Eyes signed.

Caesar gave no answer and only looked down at the box, noticing the lock. He ran his finger over the metal lock, but the accidentally unlatched it, opening the box slightly. Caesar slowly raised his hand started lifting the lid, but very slowly. The smell grew stronger, but they didn't seem to care. Caesar eyes widened slightly as the box was now fully opened.

His wife and eldest son were just as shocked as he was.

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