Chapter 18

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Caesar and the brothers were out again, possibly with the humans. Willow stayed with her mother, like she always did. Cornelia was finally able to sit up from the bed and even walk around the room. She was getting better and it made Willow happy. After she watched her mother for a few minute, she left the hut to go get a snack.

As she walked out she saw Koba walking up to her, which made her nervous. She stayed still and just watched him come closer to her. Then she looked on Koba's back and saw a baby ape.

She knew Koba's mate had a child, but this was her first time seeing the little one. Koba walked up to her and Willow noticed immediately he looked more happy. He did just become a father after all, which was a very happy and emotional moment.

Koba walked up to Willow and just stood in front of her. Koba has been acting weird around Willow lately, never once gave her a glare. Did he really start warming up to her.

"How is your mother?" He signed to Willow, while holding his child close to his chest.

Willow was stunned for a moment, but shook her head and signed, "She is doing ok. Getting better."

Koba nodded and looked down at the little baby, his baby. Willow smiled at the little one, the cutest little thing. She always sees little ones around, the colony grows everyday. It amazes her. She just hopes she can be a great mother one day.

"His name Hunter..." Koba signed, smiling down at his new born son, Hunter.

Willow smiled, "He is cute... You be great father to him..." She spoke this time, her voice cracking a little.

Koba smiled at her. He definitely changed... And she wanted to know why.

"How come... Your being nice to me?" She asked him finally.

Koba's head snapped up towards her, but Willow froze as he then moved closer to her. Willow's eyes widened as he placed his forehead on hers.

Apes did this a lot. For couples it showed love and affection. For friends it showed affection, like a hug. Did he... Want to be friends.

"Caesar like brother to me. You my niece. Family." He said gruffly, "Took me long time to learn. But now I understand." He said finishing.

Willow couldn't help, but smile. She wrapped her arms around Koba's neck and was careful not to disturb the little one. Koba chuckled and wrapped one of his arms around Willow.

As time went on Koba watched Willow from afar and noticed how much she was like apes. She was kind, brace, all the above. She respected apes. She respected him. The least he could do was also show her respect.

Koba was still wary of the new humans and others, but he is starting learn and practice about not judging quickly.

Willow hugged him tightly and then let go, "So... You don't hate me?" She signed to him.

Koba smiled, "I don't hate you..." He signed, making Willow smile more.

~ ~ ~ ~

After what just happened Willow told her mother all about it and was excited to tell her father, but then realized something. Her and her father haven't talked in awhile, not since the argument they had.

"Your father will be happy to hear." Cornelia signed to her daughter.

Cornelia was delighted to hear Koba as tried and worked hard to looked at humans in a different point of view. She new Caesar would happy. Cornelia noticed the unsettling look on Willows face and hooted gently.

"What is wrong my Willow?" She signed.

Willow shrugged and slowly signed, "Me and Father still haven't talked... He must hate me..." Willow jumped as Cornelia snapped.

"Your father loves you! He does not and will not hate you. You are his little baby girl." Cornelia said sternly.

Willow frowned, "Then... Why hasn't he talked to me?"

Cornelia smiled, "Oh dear... He has been waiting, not avoiding. He wants to give you your space. Help you relax." She signed still smiling.

Willow frowned, "He was waiting...?" She signed and looked down at her lap, "I am a horrible daughter!" She spoke this time, her voice cracking a little.

Cornelia shook her head, but looked up an noticed her husband standing there, giving Willow a sympathetic look. He walked up to her and picked her up, holding her close. Cornelia gave Caesar a smile and watched the two leave.

Willow almost jumped when someone picked her up, but once she realized it was her father she relaxed. She knew he had to of heard the whole thing by now.

What was he going to do?


Sorry for the errors!

Yay Koba is a father! I love the name hunter 😍 lol

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