Chapter 8

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It had been a week or so and Willow has finally learned how to sit up by herself. Blue Eyes watched as little Willow sat on the floor, laughing as Cornelius played with the other chimps. He smiled as Willow giggled. Cornelia was of with other female apes, while Caesar went out for another hunt. Willow watched fascinated as Cornelius rolled about, playing with the others, other times just trying to make her laugh.

Blue Eyes looked over and saw his friend Ash. Ash smiled at the sight of Willow laughing and sat himself next to Blue Eyes. He nudged Blue Eyes lightly and signed,

"Has she learned to walk?"

Blue Eyes sighed and signed back, "Not yet. Still learning.."

Ash nodded and looked back at Willow, now crawling around. Blue Eyes smiled and made sure she stayed close. Ash hooted lightly to gain Blue Eyes' attention again.

"When will we going fishing again? Haven't done in long time." He signed.

Blue Eyes smiled, "Tomorrow morning. Mother has morning off." He signed back

~ ~ ~ ~

Willow watched Cornelius intently now and so badly wanted to join him. She looked down at her legs. She moved her feet and her legs just little bit. She got on her hands and knees, crawling around for a moment. Then, with the arm strength she had, she started to push herself of the ground.

Her legs grew wobbly and she fell on her butt, but she was not going to give up. She tried again and this time kept her feet firmly on the ground and tried to keep her legs locked straight. She stood tall, but still wobbled slightly. She looked down at the floor, and without hesitation, she lifted one of her feet.

She wobbly stood on one leg, but firmly pressed her foot down as it went forward. One Step. She lifted her other foot as well. Two Steps.

She did a few more times, but then she handled walking like a champ. She did t know where she was walking, but sure wasn't going to stop.

~ ~ ~ ~

Blue Eyes and Ash conversed well, but soon Ash noticed someone was missing. He looked around for Willow and grew worried.

"Blue Eyes... Willow missing..." He signed and began to look around.

Blue Eyes jumped up and looked around. He was panicking. Then he heard giggling. He quickly looked around me, searching the place intently. He heard her giggle again. She had to be close. What he didn't see was her....

Walking towards a certain ape...

~ ~ ~ ~

Kobe didn't see the human child at first and continued eating his snack. Then he heard that giggle. That same giggle he always heard when he was around Caesars hut. His head snapped up and he glared at the human baby. Willow only looked up at him and smiled. She knew it wasn't Caesar, but he was similar to him. He had fur, he walked, he talked as well.

Koba froze as Willow walked towards him. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't hurt her. Caesar would surely punish him severely and never trust him again. He only stayed still and continued to glare at the human child.

Willow continued to smile and walk towards him, not caring about the look he was giving her. She held out her hands and that made Koba more nervous. The last thing he wanted was her touching him. He tried to move back, but he was blocked. He looked around for help, but everyone ignored him. Willow cooed and Koba stiffened.

Willow wrapped her arms around one of his legs and hugged him gently, nuzzling against his fur with a smile. Kobe eyes widened and he looked down at her. Willow looked up at him and smiled, but then she fell on her butt like last time.

She pouted slightly, but was quickly memorized by a rock. She picked it up and giggled, throwing it with all her baby strength. Koba jumped and watched the rock hit a squirrel, making it run away.

Koba hooted in laughter, but stopped himself. He shook his head and glared back down at Willow. He was not going to like this human. He would not let her make him soft. Willow found another rock and threw that one. She giggled and clapped her hands.

"She just wants.... To play...." Koba froze as he heard the voice.

He looked up at Caesar, who gave him a stern yet soft look back. Koba huffed and moved himself away from Willow.

"She dangerous..." Koba signed.

Caesar sighed and watched as Koba walked away.

"She is innocent..." He muttered.

He walked up to Willow and picked her up gently. He looked to his side and saw his eldest son looking around frantically. He smiled lightly and walked up to a panicked Blue Eyes.

Blue Eyes looked up from searching the ground and saw Willow... In his father arms...


Sorry for the errors!

Vacation is over (Sadly ☹️)! I can update a little bit faster now.

Comment and vote! That would be greatly appreciated!

P.S! I am changing Milo's name to Cornelius! Just watched the third movie and found d out his name is Cornelius! I would so go watch the new film! I cried my fucking eyes out, but it was good nonetheless.

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