Chapter 2

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Caesar looked down the human baby and immediately knew it was a girl, just by her clothing and hair. The small baby girl was dirty and looked very pale. Caesar gently touched her and could feel her bones. She was skinny. So skinny your could see her ribs. All together the poor baby looked awful. Her cries were dry and she didn't have any years come out. She was dehydrated.

Caesar placed both of his hands on the wooden box and underneath the baby's fragile body. He lifted her up slowly and gently, the odor stronger. He didn't care much for the stench or how dirty she was. He held her close to him, feeling her skin was ice cold and she was shivering. He looked up to his wife, who just stared at the baby with sympathy in her eyes.

He hooted gently at her and pointed at the blanket that was next to her. His wife, Cornelia, quickly grabbed the blanket and handed it to him and sat closer. Blue Eyes stayed put, still shocked. Caesar wrapped the blanket around the baby's small body, trying to get her warm. He held the human child close to his chest, but watched her hands move on his chest, her mouth opening and closing.

He didn't know what she was doing, but Cornelia sure did. She hooted gently and signed,

"Pass her to me."

Caesar trusted his wife and did as do, but was not expecting his wife to start breast feeding the human child. He also didn't expect the baby to except the milk, but she did and gladly took it. Cornelius was handed off to Blue Eyes, who watched his mother, still in shock.

Cornelia looked down at the baby and smiled gently, caressing her small head lightly, touching her fur (her hair). Caesar watched his wife feed the young, but seen the smile on his wife's face. Cornelius was already at the age to where he didn't need her milk as much, but she still had more and was happy to share with this adorable human baby.

Blue Eyes shook his head lightly and held his brother to his chest, walking closer to his mother. He glanced at the baby, still not fond of the smell, but could bare it for awhile. He watched the young human eat and without even realizing it, he let his hand lay gently on the human baby's head. His mother looked up at him and smiled, he couldn't help but smile back.

Cornelius cooed as he looked at the new ape before him, wondering why she was not covered in fur like him. He slowly and gently poked the human child's arm, feeling her soft skin for only a second. Then when he got no crazy reaction, he started to pet her arm gently. He cooed again as he watched her drink milk from his mother's breast.

Caesar watched his family interact with the little one and that made nervous. This little baby girl was human and possibly could have others trying to finder her. He let out a sigh, causing his wife and older son to look at him, while Cornelius continued to watch her.

"We can't keep her." He signed.

Cornelia frowned and signed back quickly, "Why not?"

Caesar was taken back for a moment, expecting his wife to understand, not question his demand. One thing was for sure Cornelia was stubborn and she had no problem signing her mind to the ape king. Caesar gave his wife a look.

"Humans could be looking for her. Can't risk family." He signed to her.

Cornelia frowned more and looked down at the small child, who still ate. She held the baby closer and then glanced at the box. She hooted lightly and pointed at it, then signed to her husband.

"She was found in box in river. Could have been abandoned. No family at all." She said, making slight sense.

Caesar sighed lightly and watched the small human child stop eating and let out a burp. Cornelia hooted lightly while smiling down at the child. Caesar watched his wife held the baby on her chest with one of her hands. The small baby cooed and snuggled into her fur, happy to have warmth and food. Then she fell asleep.

"We do not know that-" Caesar started signing.

"But you know others are looking for her?" Blue Eyes immediately signed.

Caesar looked up at his son sternly, "She must be with humans." He said, but saw his son frown. Was he attached to the baby now as well?

"Fine, but she stays the night and gets bath in the morning. You may take her to the human colony in the human city." Cornelia signed, her face stern.

For once Caesar agreed with her and nodded, watching his wife and older son smile. Cornelius still watched her, but then looked at his father.

"Can we keep it?" He signed. Clearly the young chump was not listening.

Caesar gave his younger son a small smile and shook his head, "Go play." He said.

Cornelius whined, but followed what his father said and went outside to play with other chimps his age. Cornelia smiled and saw Blue Eyes look at the baby.

"Do you want to hold her?" She said to her eldest son.

Blue Eyes quickly shook his head, but his mother was having none of that. Not only was he scared he would hurt the human child, she really did stink and he did not want the odor on him. He sighed when his mother gently placed the baby in his arms. He froze and stiffened when the baby squirmed slightly, but relaxed when the baby went back to sleep.

"We must name her." Cornelia signed excitedly.

Caesar gave his wife a look and shook his head while signing, "We are not keeping-"

"Just until she leaves." Cornelia signed then, not letting her husband finish.

Caesar rolled his eyes then, he just could t help it. Cornelia looked back at the baby girl and smiled, stroking her head the back of her hand gently. Blue Eyes was not happy he got the smell on him, but the fear of hurting her went away. He smiled down at her and soon though about what his mother said. A name?

He thought about many names, but one stood out the most in his mind. He gently the baby tightly, but gently in one of his arms and signed.

"What about 'Willow'?"

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