Chapter 9

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Blue Eyes got a stern lecture they day he lost Willow. A few days later he has not let Willow out of his sight. He would always watch out for her and made sure she stayed away from any other apes, especially Koba. He still couldn't believe Koba didn't hurt Willow, but was glad he didn't.

Anyways, as said before, it's been a few days since the incident. Willow has been staying with the apes for almost two full weeks. She has not only learned to sit up, but finally walk as well. Which was certainly a challenge. She wanted to walk, and walk, and walk. Anywhere and everywhere. The other just couldn't get her to sit still.

Not only did it worry Blue Eyes, it worried Caesar as well. He has seen a human child grow and had learned about it from his past. He knew this day would come.

He was home with Willow and Cornelia, watching Willow walk around there hut. He smiled as she kept following flat on her bottom, but always got back up. Cornelia smiled as Willow walked up to her. One thing for sure was Willow loved to cuddle. She cuddled Cornelia for just moment, but then she wanted to keep walking and did just that.

"She sure loves to move. No stay still." Cornelia signed to her husband.

Caesar nodded with a smile on his face, "Indeed..." Was all he signed, but Cornelia saw a look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" She signed immediately.

Caesar only shook his head, but Cornelia hooted lightly, "No Lie. Something wrong with you."

Caesar gave Cornelia a look, but Cornelia gave him a look back. He sighed, knowing she was not going to let this go. He looked down at Willow and started signing.

"Everyday she gets more curious... Afraid she get hurt..."

Cornelia hooted in laughter lightly, "Daddy's little girl..." She signed back, making Caesar roll his eyes, but he smiled.

"She will be fine. Family protect family." Cornelia signed and smiled as Willow walked up to Caesar.

Willow giggled and held up her arms, waiting for him to pick her up. Caesar smiled and moved in his seat slightly. He picked her up gently and placed her in his lap. Willow cooed happily and giggled, wrapping her arms around his waist, nuzzling his fur. Another thing is she loved there fur. It was warm and soft and she would do anything to cuddle them.

Caesar smiled down at her, patting her head gently and rubbing her back. Cornelia smiled and signed.

"Have you always want daughter?"

Caesar though about that question for a moment. The first time Cornelia was pregnant he wanted a boy and amazing god gave him Blue Eyes. The second he found out she was pregnant again, he told Cornelia he would be happy with either, but secretly... He did want a little girl. But, when Cornelius was born, he was as happy as can be. He loved his sons dearly.

Now that Willow was here with them... He felt there family was somehow now complete. He loved Willow very much and was happy his family loved her as well.

Willow was now his daughter and no one could change that.


Short and cute chapter 🙂

Sorry for the mistakes!

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