Chapter 26

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It's been threes days. Three days since he saw her and he was going to loose it. He looked everywhere. The market, clothing stores, everywhere. She just disappeared. Maggie grew worried for her son, but then grew worried for Willow as well. She was young and any man here would try and take her. She just hoped she was ok.

Adam paced around inside his house, his mother watching him.

"I am sure she is fine. It has only been three days." Maggie said to her son.

Adam shook his head, "No. I know something is up. And you," He pointed at his mother, "Know it to." He finished and continued to pace back and forth.

Maggie side and placed her hands on her hips, "Well. I am sure she'll pop up, in the mean time go to the market and buy some fruit." Maggie reach over and grabbed some coins, handing them to Adam.

Adam sighed. This was no time to buy fruit. He needed to find Willow.

He walked out of the house with a sigh and headed to the market. Next to the market was the large bridge that led into the woods. Adam froze. The woods... He though and looked at bridge, looking over to see the woods. She said she was raised in the woods... Adam said aloud to himself.

He looked at the coins in his hand and sighed. He looked back at the bridge. He started walking towards the bridge.

"What are you doing?" He froze.

He turned around quickly and saw his little sister, Olivia. Crap. He growled to himself and walked up to Olivia, bending down to her height.

"Promise me you won't tell mom what you just saw." He said, looking his sister dead in the eyes.

Olivia smiled, "For a price."

Adam rolled his eyes and groaned, "Fine! What do you want?"

Olivia shared him a small smirk of her own and said, "I want you to take me with you."

Adam stared at her for a minute and then started laughing. Olivia gave him and looked and crossed her arms over her chest. Adam saw she wasn't laughing and stopped.

"I am not taking you!"

Olivia sighed, "Then I guess I have no choice but to tell-"

Adam stood up quickly, "Fine!" He held out his hand, "Just stay close."

Olivia smiled in victory. She grabbed his hand and the two started walking across the bridge.

~ ~ ~ ~

When Willow and her family made it to the ape village that day she came him, Willow was greeted by many happy apes, happy to she was alive and ok.

Willow knew her parents wanted to talk today. The three were in their hut. She sat down and watched as he parents did the same.

"So you say you met a boy?" Cornelia said with a smile.

Willow smiled and blushed lightly, "I did..."

Caesar looked serious, "What's his name again? How old is he?" He asked quickly.

Willow rolled her eyes, but answered with a smile, "His name is Adam. And he is the same age as me..." She answered.

Cornelia smiled, "Is he handsome?" She signed.

Caesar hooted loudly, not liking that question, or wanting his daughter to answer it. Willow ignored him and blushed even more. She nodded slowly and that made Caesar groan.

"He was. Very." She said slowly, giggling as father started to pout.

Cornelia hooted and walked her husband on the arm. Caesar rubbed his arm, but rolled his eyes. Then shouts and screeches were heard. Caesar jumped up and ran out of the hut, Willow and Cornelia following. Willow gasped.

"Adam?! Olivia?!"

Willow ran up to the two, who were being held captive by the apes. Willow couldn't believe it. How did they find her. Adam was shocked to see Willow here. Olivia was relieved and ran up to her with open arms. Willow smiled and picked Olivia up, hugging her tight.

"We missed you!" Olivia said.

Willow smiled, but then frowned, "I missed you to, but how did you find me?"

Olivia smirked as Willow set her down. She went over and grabbed her brothers hand, pulling him forward.

"Adam missed you. He wanted to find you so we crossed the bridge. He like you, you know." Adam eyes widened and he covered Olivia's mouth before she could say anything else.

Willow blushed immediately. She looked to her side and saw her family. Her mother was smiling, but all the boys gave Adam a dirty look. Willow rolled her eyes and looked back at Adam. She stepped towards him and grabbed his hand.

"I missed him to. I missed all of you."

Adam smiled and so did Olivia. Willow then gave Adam and his sister a small smile.

"Does Maggie know your here."

Adam scoffed, "Ye-"

"No." Olivia said truthfully.

Willow smiled and raised an eyebrow at Adam, who cleared his throat. Willow crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head, giving Adam a look.

"Ok... We might of snuck out, but you know she would have said no if we asked." Adam said quickly.

Willow only laughed.


Sorry for the errors!

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