Chapter 5

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Cornelia was in her and her families hut, waiting for Caesar to come back home. As she waited she started to make some clothes for Willow. She was not afraid to admit, she has grown attached to Willow. And she knew Caesar would not be happy, it she really didn't care, but she was worried.

When Caesar arrived home he held Willow close to his chest and walked into see his wife making clothing. He sighed as Cornelia jumped, not hearing him enter the hut. He gave Cornelia a look, making her roll her eyes.

"Cornelia she is-" Caesar was signing, but Willow interrupted him.

He looked down at her and smile as she looked up at with wide eyes and big smile. She reached up and grabbed his face again, laughing, touching the fur on his face. Then she opened her mouth and gave him a sloppy open mouth kiss on his chin. Caesar smiled and moved his head away to place his forehead on hers.

Cornelia watched with a smile on her face and hooted lightly, "Seems you are attached to her as well." She signed.

Caesar frowned and looked up at Cornelia, then looked back down at Willow. Willow smiled up at him and did her best to wrap her arms around his neck and lay her head on his chest, cooeing happily. Caesar frowned more. He was stuck. He hated to admit it but, he was attached. She had him wrapped around his finger already.

Cornelia frowned as well, knowing now this was going to be tough for him.

She hooted lightly again to get his attention, "We could keep her... She seems happy here... Me and our sons already love her..." She signed slowly, but still quick enough to get her point across.

Caesar sighed, "What if-" He started signing, but his wife stopped him,

"Nothing will happen. If anything does we will cross that bridge when we get there..." She signed smiling.

Caesar looked back down at Willow, who fell asleep again with a smile on her face. He though for a moment, till he gently passed Willow to Cornelia. Caesar left the hut and looked around the village and saw his two sons. He hooted loudly, getting their attention. He called them over and went back into the hut.

A minute later Blue Eyes came in with Cornelius in his arms. Cornelius jumped out of his big brothers arms and ran towards his mother to see Willow. Blue Eyes saw the look in his fathers eyes and knew something was up. He seated himself next to his parents and waited for one of them to start signing.

Caesar sighed and looked at Cornelia, who smiled and nodded. Caesar looked back at his eldest son and began to start.

"How are you with Willow around?" He asked first.

Blue Eyes though nothing of it and answered, "I like her... It's like... Having a sister..."

Caesar smile and didn't bother to ask Cornelius, knowing his answer. He looked at Cornelia again and smiled lightly. He gazed back Blue Eyes who seemed anxious.

"How about we keep her around... For a little while..." Caesar signed slowly.

Blue Eyes was taken back and it worried his parents. Then he started to smile and nod. Caesar let out a huff of relief, smiling. Cornelia smiled and held Willow close. Then looked at Cornelius and told he was going to be a big brother. He hooted happily and started to pet Willow gently, cooeing in delight.

Caesar placed his arm around Blue Eyes shoulder and the other around his wife. He looked down at Willow and smiled.

Then spoke, "Welcome to Family Willow."

My Baby Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें