Chapter 3

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"Little Willow... Its perfect." Cornelia said with a large smile and patted her son's head.

Blue Eyes smiled at his mother, but then glanced at his father, Caesar wasn't going to lie, he liked the name very much, but all that went through his mind was fear. They were all getting attached when they shouldn't be. They already gave her name to. He didn't know what to do. He walked up to his son and gently took the baby in his arms, holding her to his chest.

"Must tell Apes." He signed.

Cornelia nodded and so did his son. Caesar slowly walked out of the gut, his wife and son following. He held Willow close to his chest, not wanting her to get cold again. Once he left the hut, he climbed down to the ground gently, not wanting to drop her. Soon all apes looked at him and was only able to stare at his back.

His back faced them and as soon as he let out a deep breath, he turned around, letting the others see Willow. Some of the Apes hooted loudly, others just stared at Caesar in shock. Caesar raised his hand when the baby started crying from the loud noises. All apes grew silent, but some were still in shock, but others were angry.

Caesar looked around and stood tall like an alpha should. He noticed the angry looks and that is what he some-what expected. Though he was still surprised they even hated the most innocent being on the planet. He turned to Cornelia and passed Willow to her, who gladly held her close.

"Take her back to hut." Caesar signed and Cornelia nodded, doing as her husband said.

Once she was gone, Caesar was not shocked to see Koba walk up to him furious.

"Human dangerous!" He signed angrily.

Caesar stood tall and looked down at Koba, "Only child. No harm to us." Caesar signed to Koba, then looked at the rest of the Apes.

Then he spoke, his voice rough, and he said, "Human child will stay the night. Leave tomorrow. Go with other humans." He said and saw some angry expressions turn into happy ones.

Koba huffed, "Why not kill it?" He signed, still angry.

Caesar growled at Koba and glared at him, "Only baby. Innocent creature." That was all he said and he left to go back up to his hut.

He watched from above, the others going back to what they were doing. Caesar looked to his left when he heard a deep coo come from an ape. He saw Maurice sit himself down next to Caesar.

"How did Human get here?" Maurice signed, curious as to where Willow came from.

Caesar sighed, "Ash and Blue Eyes. They found a wooden box in river. She was in box." He said simply.

Maurice nodded, "Wonder how she got in box..." He signed, mostly to himself.

Caesar though about it as well. Where did she come from? How did she even end up in a wooden box and floating down the dangerous river?

They all had questions, but the answers didn't follow.

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