Chapter 10

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(Remember: 10 Years Later)

Willow was snuggled in her bed, under her warm blanket made by her mother. Willow is a night owl, so she really has trouble falling asleep. Though she has no trouble sleeping in. Just like her brothers. But, just like them, they are waken up early.

Her mother Cornelia was surly the one to wake her up, but since her mother had things to do early in the morning, Caesar had to wake her up.

Caesar quietly entered her room and smiled as he watched her sleep. Her long brown hair was a mess and he he had to try and comb it out, just to get the knots out. Caesar walked over to her bed side, which really was only a large stack of hay with a blanket over it. He touched the side of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek.

Willow woke up instantly, but never opened her eyes and only snuggled into his hand, letting out a deep breath. Caesar smiled as she opened her eyes slowly, the light making her vision a little blurry. Caesar smiled more as she yawned and slightly stretched, but to only snuggle back in her blankets and go back to bed.

Caesar hooted and chuckled, slightly nudging her. Willow groaned sleepily and opened her eyes again, rubbing them lightly.

"Why do we have to wake up so early?" She signed.

Caesar cleared his throat, "Mother likes it. Now up. Breakfast is ready. Others waiting."

Willow let out a sigh and sat up in her bed. Her hair was everywhere and it made Caesar chuckle. Willow gave him a playful glare and tried her best to flatten it. Caesar crawled on her bed and sat behind her, then placed his hands in her hair and started to get the knots out.

Willow yawned again and sat there, slumping. Caesar smiled and soon asked,

"Sleep well?"

Willow let out soft sigh and only said, "Mmhm..."

"Need you to speak. Must learn your words." Caesar said, making Willow groan.

When Willow was younger she first learned sign language, then learned how to speak. She was still working on her speech a little, but was getting the hang of it.

"I slept... Ok." Willow said slowly, making sure she said the words right.

Caesar smiled, finished with her hair and kissed her head.

"Good. Now come. Eat." He said getting of her bed and lending her a helping hand.

Willow smiled and grabbed her fathers hand, getting out of bed with his help. Caesar wrapped his arm around her, while Willow did the same. Mostly to lean on him since she was still tired. They both left her room and just as they did Blue Eyes walked by.

"Hey sleepy head." He signed and then ruffled Willow's hair, making Caesar sigh, knowing new tangle were now in her hair.

Willow gave her older brother a glare. Blue Eyes chuckled and before he walked away he gave his dad a quick apologetic look. Willow looked around and didn't see her mother.

"Where is momma?" She signed to her father.

Caesar smiled and began to walk and Willow followed. He quickly signed back.

"Had things to do. Will meet us for breakfast."

Willow nodded and followed her father out of the hut. Since the hut was in a high tree, she always climbed on her fathers back, and hung on as he climbed down. Once on the floor Willow the grabbed her fathers hand tightly, staring at the floor. Everyday she would get weird looks or glared from other apes. She would get the nastiest glare from Koba. She did not know why he hated her and every time she asked her father, he would change the subject quickly.

She saw her two older brothers and smiled, sitting between them.

"Sis your hair looks like birds nest." Cornelius signed, hooting in laughter, as Blue Eyes only chuckled and shook his head.

"His fault!" Willow signed, pointing at Blue Eyes.

Before Cornelius or Blue Eyes could say anything, a firm hoot was heard. The three looked over and they saw there mother.

"Leave her alone you two." She signed to them warningly.

Willow smiled as her brothers looked down and at the same time signed, "Sorry mother."

Cornelia smiled and sat down next to her husband. Ceased smiled and placed his forehead on her for second, but then started to eat. Willow did as well and ate some fruit and veggies. She wasn't a fan of meat so she stayed away from it. Well she tried to anyway.

Caesar hooted at her gently, "Eat some elk today. Need more protein."

Willow gave him whiny look, but he gave her stern one. She let out a small whine and grabbed some elk meat. She even hated the smell. She gave the meat a disgusted look and looked at her father, practically begging him to just allow her to eat the fruit and veggies.

Caesar gave her another look as if to say 'Eat it'. She quickly grabbed a small piece of meat and just shoved it in her mouth. She heard Milo hoot in laughter and gave him a glare. She almost gagged at the taste, but started to slowly chew it. Caesar chuckled and looked down to pick up some fruit. While he looked away, Willow quickly took the meat out of her mouth and hid it behind her.

"Saw that." She heard her father say.


Sorry for my errors!

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