Chapter 23

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Willow stayed at the human village the whole night, but she knew she would have to go back home soon. She saw the humans start to wake up and saw many walk around, seeing some even work. She walked along and as she did, she saw some children playing. They laughed and played, just having a great time together.

As she watched them play, she felt something grab her hand. She jumped and looked to see who had her hand. She looked down and saw a little girl. The little girl was pale, had long red hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. Freckles were sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. She was really pretty.

Willow couldn't help, but smile and heard the little girl ask a question, slightly taking her back a little, not expecting to be question so quickly and so easily.

"Are you new here?" The little girl asked.

Willow didn't know what to say at first. She slowly bent down to the little girls height and showed a small smiling, showing she was nice.

"Uh yes I am..." Willow said slowly.

The little girl tilted her head and looked over Willow. She saw Willow had on weird clothes, but what really got her attention was her hair. The little girl gasped and quickly reached up, touching Willow's bouncy and messy curls.

"Your hair is so curly!" The little one said.

Willow smiled, but jumped when she heard a women's loud voice.

"Olivia! You know not to go near strangers!" The lady said, quickly rushing over and pulling her daughter away from Willow.

The little girl, now known as Olivia, whined, "But momma!"

"No buts. No go on and play with the others." The lady said.

Willow watched the little girl pout, but trudge away. Willow looked at the lady nervously, who looked back at her with suspicion. Willow cleared her throat and quickly said.

"Um hi... My name is Willow. I'm new here."

Willow saw the woman step back and her eyes widened, "You're not sick are you??"

Willow saw the women looked panicked and shook her head quickly, "No! No I'm not..." She said.

The lady let out a breath of relief and finally shared a smile with Willow. The lady pressed a hand against her chest and laughed a little.

"Oh thank goodness! My name is Maggie." The lady, Maggie, said holding out her hand.

Willow didn't know what to do. She stared at her hand for a moment, but slowly held out her hand. Willow watched Maggie place her hand in hers and shake lightly. What was this lady doing? What's it called? Willow thought.

Maggie let her hand go and clapped her hands together, "So you say your new? Oh uh what was your name again dear?" Maggie asked politely.

Willow smiled lightly, "Willow, Willow is my name."

"Well Willow welcome! And I am sorry for my daughter. She hasn't seen hair such as yours." Maggie said, looking back at her daughter Olivia, who played with other children her age.

"It is quite alright. She is adorable." Willow said, smiling as she watched Olivia giggle and laugh with the other kids.

Maggie looked back at Willow with a smile and placed her hand on her hips, letting out a small sigh, "So how do you like it here so far?"

Willow frowned lightly, but quickly covered it up with a smile and said, "Um I haven't been here long. I haven't seen it all."

She saw Maggie's eyes light up. Maggie smiled, "My son can show you around!" She said happily, the turned towards a small house and shouted, "Adam come out here!"

Adam? It couldn't be... Willow thought, but soon froze as the guy from last night walked out.

Adam looked a little irritated, but then he saw Willow and smiled widely. He walked over and had that sly smile on his face, that made Willow blush.

"Hey your the new girl. Willow right?"

Willow gulped lightly and nodded quickly, "Y-Yea that's me! W-Willow. Who you saw last night..." Willow said slowly and awkwardly, causing Adam to chuckle.

Maggie looked at her son weirdly, "You know her? Did you sneak out last night again?!" She then asked, looking angry.

Adam gave his mom an 'innocent' smile, "Maybe..." He said slowly.

Maggie growled at her son and huffed, "Well now you get to show this young lady around. Behave." Maggie said and then looked back at Willow, "It was nice meeting you dear. Do tell me if he causes trouble. I will deal with him."

Willow smiled, "Will do." Was all she said, making Maggie smile.

"Good! Now come back in a few hours, lunch will be ready. Willow you are free to join us if you like." Maggie said.

Willow looked at her shocked and shook her head, "Oh no I couldn't intrude..." She said.

Maggie scoffed, "Nonsense! Now on you go!" She said and then shooed away Adam and Willow of into a direction.

Willow blushed as Adam smiled down at her. Let the tour begin.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Where could she have gone?" Cornelius asked his father, his voice full of concern.

Caesar frowned as he stared inside Willow's empty room. They looked every where. Had search parties going through the woods,  it they just couldn't find her. Cornelia had an idea as to where she went, but Caesar was to focused on finding Willow to even listen to her.

Caesar was first to see she was missing. He went to wake her up in the morning, like he always did, but she wasn't in bed. At first he though she was already awake and would be down eating breakfast, but she wasn't with the others. Cornelia said she may have been taking a walk, but Caesar knew something was up.

"I don't know..." Caesar said to his youngest son.

~ ~ ~ ~

"This is the food market. Sells pretty much all foods." Adam said, showing Willow the food market.

Willow smiled as she looked around. She saw so many foods. She saw fruits, vegetables, even fish. She saw it all. Adam smiled as he watched Willow look around, memorized. Willow caught Adams eyes on her and blushed, looking down at the floor, but had a small smile on her face.

Adam chuckled, "So where are you from?" He asked as the two started walking again.

Willow didn't know what to say. She couldn't say she lived in the woods her whole and was raised by apes. She wasn't stupid. Adam looked at her when she didn't speak right away. He gave her a smile and she just said something.

"The woods!"

Adam looked at her weirdly, but still had a smile on his face, "The woods?"

Willow gulped. She nodded slowly and said, "Y-Yea... My parents raised me there. They didn't want to me to be around the city. I guess... they thought it was to much."

Adam seemed to by and nodded, "Makes sense. So what it like?"

Willow looked at him and confused and it made him chuckle, which then made her blush.

"In the woods. What's it like living there?" He asked, being more clear.

Willow nodded and smiled, thinking about home, "It's amazing!" Adam chuckled and she got excited and listened as she kept talking, "The freedom is amazing... The life there is just..."

"None like anything you've seen?" Adam said with a smile.

Willow wouldn't exactly say those words, but she nodded. She had a light blush on her face as Adam kept smiling at her. She heard Adam sigh.

"Well we should get going. Mom is probably done with lunch." Adam said and held out his hand.

Willow looked down at his hand and slowly raised hers. She watched Adam grab her hand gently and smiled at her. Willow smiled, but now was blushing madly.

The two walked off, still hand in hand.


Sorry for the errors!

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My Baby Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें