Chapter 11

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It was later in the day and Willow watched as her father, and brothers, get ready for another hunt. She was sitting by her mother, who played with her hair. Soon Willow moved to face her mother and signed.

"How come I can't go with them?"

Cornelia was taken back completely. She knew he daughter was curious about what her father and brothers did, but never knew she was that curious. So curious to question why she couldn't go with them. Cornelia though about an answer for a moment and then smiled.

"The females stay here and take care of the young... You are also to young to go out there."

Willow frowned and signed back quickly, "But... What about when I'm older? What if I want to hunt with the males?"

Cornelia almost grew worried, but pushed it behind her and signed, "I do not know my little Willow. That is your fathers decision..."

Willow sighed, but nodded and turned back to look at her brothers, and father. Cornelia let out a quiet breath, a breath she didn't know she was holding. She continued to play with her daughter hair, but the vision of her Willow go out there and possibly getting hurt... It sickened her. She looked up from playing with her daughter hair and saw her boys walking over.

Willow stood up and helped her mother help. Willow turned back to look at her brothers. While her mother gave her father a hug, she gave her brothers each a tight hug.

"Come back safe..." She signed to them.

"Always." Blue Eyes said and Cornelius nodded.

Willow nodded and watched as her brother went of to hug their mother. Willow turned back to see her father, who gave her a smile. She smiled back and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. Caesar chuckled and hugged back, kissing the side of her head.

"Please come back..." She whispered.

Caesar smiled, "I will always come back to you."

Willow nodded and placed her forehead on her fathers, "I love you daddy..." She said gently.

Caesar smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you to."

Willow didn't want to let go of her father, but she knew at some point, she had to. She let go of him slowly and gave him a small smile. Before the boys went out to hunt, they always did this. Willow watched as the boys went off to there horses and soon rode off, other males following them.

"They will be back soon. Now come. We have things to do my little Willow." Cornelia signed to Willow, who only nodded and followed their mother back to their hut.

~ ~ ~ ~

There was an hour of learning how to sew and then another hour with Maurice working on some lessons. The two hours felt like two years, but soon Willow looked over to the entrance of the small Ape City, seeing her father and brothers. Willow smiled, but then her eye went to her oldest brother and she gasped. She ran over to him quickly.

Blue Eyes got off his horse and wasn't shocked to see Willow running up to him. That bear really got him good.

"Are you ok?!" Willow signed to him frantically, checking over his cut.

Blue Eyes chuckled and ruffled her hair, making her growl slightly, "I'm fine." He signed to her reassuringly.

Willow nodded, but then smiled and signed, "Mom is going to kill you."

Blue Eyes rolled his eyes and ruffled her hair again, just to annoy her more. Willow only giggled and walked over to Cornelius, hugging him. Then she went over to her father, who already had open arms for her. She hugged him tightly.

"What happened?" She signed to her father, pointed at Blue Eyes, who walked off to say hi to Ash.

"Bear attack." Was all Caesar said.

Willow nodded, but soon started to hear loud shouts from one of the ape doctors. Willow looked up at the doctors hut and saw him sign something, making her eyes widen.

Caesar looked down at Willow, knowing she starting to already worry. He picked her up gently and started walking towards the doctors hut, Blue Eyes and Cornelius following close behind. Once they were inside the hut, there laid Cornelia, coughing loudly. Willow looked down at her sick mother. She should have known something was wrong.

Cornelia looked up and smiled, reaching for her family, wanting them to come closer.

"Illness." Was all the ape doctor said and left the hut, giving the family some privacy.

"I am fine. Doctor dramatic." Cornelia said, but started to cough fiercely.

Caesar set Willow down and sat by his wife's side. He place his forehead on hers, caressing her face. Cornelius and Blue Eyes walked closer, greeting there mother. Willow was about to walk up, but froze. She stared at her family for a while. Then she looked down at herself...

She looked at their hands and then looked at hers. She looked at their bodies and their fur, then looked at herself. She only had long hair that was a mess. She looked back at her family and finally saw how different she was. Her brother always told her she was an ape, but... She didn't look like them. And she knew for a fact her mother did not give birth to her. For some reason she started growing worried. Then asked questions in her head.

What am I? Where did I come from?

She never heard of the story of how she got here. The other never brought up her past. She didn't know how she came to be and it made her want to know even more. As she looked down at herself more and thought about where she could of come from, she heard a small hoot.

She looked up and saw her Fathers arm out, wanting her to come closer. She gave him a small fake smile and walked up to him. Cornelia smiled and placed her hand on her daughters head.

As they sat in silence all Willow could think about was her life came to this point.


Sorry for the errors!

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