Chapter 30

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It was the next day.

Willow was happy her new born slept the whole night. She finally got some sleep. Adam on the other hand, was to happy to sleep. He watched over his wife and baby boy all night. Now it was early and the morning and it was time to feed.

Willow was able to leave the doctors hut and be out with the others. She was a little sore, who wouldn't be after pushing a tiny human out of your freakin' vagina.

She sat by the others, watching the other apes eat. Blue Eyes and Lake had there daughter when Willow was eighteen, and has grown so much. Cornelius and his mate Zira also had a child, but a year back. Now they are expecting another child soon.

Willow fed her son. Her and Adam were still thinking of names, but one stood out to her the most.

The past few years, Willow's life has been insane. She was raised by apes, raised in the woods. She had such a journey and knew more was to come.

She thought back to when she was little. She though about the memories she had created with her adoptive family. She was so grateful to have them in her life. Now she has an amazing husband and a beautiful baby boy. She smiled at the though of her father.

She was happy he was supportive. She was worried at first. He was always protective of her, so she though it was going to be way more tricky, but it wasn't.

Then she thought about her mother. Her mother was never difficult. She was always the one Willow could talk to and just listen. Willow was happy to have a mother like her and hopes to be a great mother as well to her new child.

She though about her brothers and the fun times they had. She remembered the good times they had as they grew up together. As she thought about her brothers and he memories, she giggled. Adam looked at her with a smile.

"What?" Adam asked.

Willow smiled and looked down at her new born. Adam did as well. Willow though for a moment, before she spoke up.

"How about Milo?" She asked shyly.

Adam looked at her confused, "Milo?" Then he got it.

He though about the name fore a moment and slowly smiled. Milo. It was a good name and it already started to grow on him. He nodded slowly.

"It's a great name."

Willow smiled and looked, now known as Milo, and smiled. This was her family. Her large family. She looked around, seeing apes eating their breakfast. She looked at her brothers, seeing them play with their child and talk with there mates. She looked at her parents and snuggled close as they ate.

This was Willow's family. This was Willow's home. This was Willow's life and she was so happy that she was honored to live it. Sure she had some rough times, but they were forgiven and forgotten. Now she was grown. She was smarter.

And she was ready for anything that came her way.


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