Chapter 4

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As night came all the apes gathered around and ate there dinner, eating fruits and veggies, as well as some elk meat from there hunt today. As Cornelia ate, she breast fed Baby Willow, getting some dirty looks from other female apes. She didn't care though. Willow was harmless, why couldn't they see that? Blue Eyes watched his mother feed the human baby, while also helping his little brother eat. He smiled lightly at the sigh of Willow.

Caesar looked around and smiled lightly as the others ate, then looked over at Koba who was glaring at something. Caesar saw his glare was on Willow, not only on Willow, his wife as well. No one gave disrespectful looks to his family and he made sure they stopped. He growled loudly, causing all the female apes who gave Cornelia disgusted looks, look away.

Koba looked up at Caesar, but immediately looked away and ate his food. Caesar hummed lightly in satisfaction and glanced at his wife, who smiled at him. He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her. Cornelia held Willow close as she ate and stayed near Caesar, knowing he would always protect her and his children.

~ ~ ~ ~

It was early in the morning when Willows started crying. Cornelia was new to this. And so was Caesar. With Milo, they had problem with him waking up at all, he slept through the nights and mornings. Willow was a human baby. Much different from an ape baby. Cornelia woke up startled when she heard Willow cry, who was on her chest.  She sat up quickly and saw Willow searching for her nipple.

Cornelia smiled tiredly and guided Willow's mouth to her nipple, letting Willow eat. Caesar sat up slowly, also awaken by the sound of Willow crying. He almost forgotten she was even here. He groggily watched his wife feed Willow and knew he was not going to be able to go back to sleep. He looked out the small window and saw the sun rising.

Cornelia smiled, "You must give her a bath. I have other things to do." She signed to him.

Caesar knew she had plans with other female apes and was ok with it. He had given Blue Eyes baths when he was younger and always gave Milo a bath. Willow shouldn't be any different. Soon it was late in the morning and Cornelia business to do with other female apes.

Caesar took Willow in his arms and bid his wife goodbye and watched her leave. He grabbed a blanket and a cloth to wash her with. He knew of a small lake near-by, where he always gave Milo his baths. As he left the ape him and walked through the woods, he looked down at Willow, who looked back up at him.

He could definitely tell she was getting healthier. Her cheeks started to get fatter, she started to gain weight which was good. He skin didn't look so pale either and revealed her natural light tan skin. Just by looking at her Caesar knew she had to be year old and a few months.

Once he arrived at the small lake, set the blanket down and placed her on top of it. Then he started to undress. One thing he forgot. She was a girl. A human girl. Her parts were more visible. He tried to keeps his eyes on hers and not look down as he undressed. Once she was fully naked he picked her up and placed her against his chest.

Willow cooed and snuggled against his fur, loving his softness. Caesar heart pounded slightly and he without thinking he smiled. He walked over to the water and sat on a rock, with some shallow water in front of him. He grabbed the cloth and dipped it in the water. He felt the water was warm, since it was a small lake and it was out in the sun. He gently placed her in the water, but soon she started cry. She clung onto him tighter, kicking her legs, trying to get out of the water.

Caesar watched her cling to his chest shaking. He frowned and wrapped his arms around her rocking her gently. He was more confused and concerned. The water wasn't cold and it wasn't deep.

Then he remembered how she came here. In a box floating in a strong river shaking her around and possibly getting wet since there tiny holes in the box. Was she afraid of the water?

He tried again to place her in the water, but she only cried again and tried to get back in his arms and on his chest. She was afraid. She was afraid and he didn't blame her. He didn't know what to do at this point. She wouldn't go in. And if she feared the water, he wouldn't force her to go in it. But, she really needed the bath.

Caesar had an idea in his head, but he really didn't want to follow through with it. He looked down at Willow, who looked up at with tears in her eyes. Then she laid her head on his chest and held him tightly. Caesar smiled and finally decided to follow through with his plan. For her.

He let out a sigh and slipped into the water, sitting down, his fur getting wet. He still held her to his chest and grabbed the cloth. He dipped it in the water and took it out, then gently pressed it against Willow's back. Willow jumped and started to cry lightly, but he rocked her lightly and kept the rag on her back, letting her get use to it.

After a while Willow stopped crying, but she didn't stop the whimpers that left her. Caesar used the rag to rub her back and wash off the dirt and urine. Willow whimpered and buried her face in his chest. Caesar cleaned her back and awkwardly started cleaning her bottom and private areas. He quickly did that and knew he had to get her chest, which meant she had to let him go.

Caesar lightly pried her off him, but she fussed and tried to hang on to him. He gave her stern look, but that meant nothing to her. She started crying when he placed her in the water, standing up. Caesar smiled and placed his forehead on hers. Luckily she found this amusing. She smiled lightly and so did Caesar. He grabbed the cloth and dipped it in the water again.

Willow grabbed his face in her hands and cackled. Caesar smiled widely and started to wash her stomach, happy she wasn't paying attention. For a moment she couldn't stand and fell on her bottom. Caesar grew worried, but smiled as she just froze and stared at the water.

She looked around her, amazed that water surrounded her. Then she placed her hands in the water and she started to smile. Caesar did to and placed his hand in the water, moving it around and lightly splashing her. Willow laughed and began to splash the water, surely getting water all over him, but he didn't mind. It was easier to clean her now. He quickly washed the rest of her and placed the rag on a near by rock. He picked her gently and then placed her on the blanket. He dried her so she wasn't cold and then wrapped her in the blanket.

He didn't bother putting on her gross dirty clothes. He picked up the rag and rinsed it out, then began to walk home with a sleeping Willow in his arms.

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