Chapter 16

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Caesar, Blue Eyes, and Cornelius have all been acting weird since the day that creature came to the village. Willow would always watch them leave for long periods of time and come back home late.

For example, Cornelia was still sick and couldn't leave the ape doctors hut. Caesar and the brother were out. It was already dark and time to eat. Willow had to eat alone tonight, which wasn't a surprise. This was the second time she has had to eat alone. Well she though she was going to eat alone.

She sat in the corner, watching other apes eat around the fire. She ate her fruits and veggies quietly, just thinking about her family and herself. She looked around and saw Koba. Tonight he wasn't with her father or brothers. She didn't know why, but on the other hand she wasn't complaining.

Now that she knew Koba didn't hate her, she would always try and get closer to him, but he always just pushed her away. Tonight she really needed someone.

She grabbed her food and slowly moved closer to Koba, hoping he really wouldn't notice, but sadly for her he did. Koba looked at her confused as to she always had to be near him. Why not the other apes. Koba looked around and seen the others giving Willow glares.

He watched Willow sit herself next to him and just continued to eat her food. She was a weird human all right. He ate his food slowly, just staring at her. Then he watched her yawn.

Willow, without thinking, leaned against Koba. Koba stiffened immediately. He wanted to run away, but not hurt her feeling or hurt her in general. Willow yawned again and snuggled against him, wanting his warmth.

Koba shift uncomfortably, but tried not to move to much. He was stuck.


~ ~ ~ ~

It was the next day, early in the morning and Willow woke up on her bed. She looked around confused, not remembering a thing at all. She got out of bed and quickly walked out of the hut, seeing some apes eating breakfasts.

She looked for one certain ape and found him alone in the corner. She quickly walked towards Koba and stood in front of him, poking his shoulder lightly to get his attention.

"What happened?" She signed to him.

Koba jumped slightly and looked up at Willow, confused by her question. Willow saw his confusion and hesitation.

"Last night? How did I get in my bed? Did father come home?" Willow signed, asking more questions.

Kobe understood and sighed, looking back down at his food and taking a bite out of some of his fruit. Koba hooted lightly lightly.

"Fall asleep. Father still out there." He pointed at the woods, the continued, "I take you home. Put you in bed." He said lowly.

Willow looked at him shocked. He took her him? She gave him a look. Koba kept his head down, still eating his food. Then he felt tiny arms wrap around him, but quickly leave him. His head snapped up and before he could even glance at Willow, she ran away.

He watched as she ran to the ape doctors hut, possibly to see Cornelia. Koba sat there for a moment, comprehending on what just happened.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Maybe he is starting to warm up to you." Cornelia signed to her human daughter.

Willow sighed and laid next to her sick mother, who wasn't getting any better. Willow told her mother about what Koba did last night and it only made Cornelia smile. Willow was still so confused. And not just confused about Koba. 

The past few days her mind has been racing with thoughts. She thought about her father, humans, herself, her past. She still had so many questions. She looked at her mother for a moment, before signing her a question.

"How... How did you and father find me? How did I come to be here?"

Cornelia seemed to freeze in the moment and only frown. Willow frowned as well, hopped by she didn't cause any stress for her mother. Cornelia looked at her Willow and sighed.

"Blue Eyes and Ash found you..." Was all she signed.

Willow nodded, "Ok... How did they find me?"

Cornelia giggled, "Its more like you found them..."

Willow looked at her mother weirdly. What did she mean by that. A few moments later, after thinking for another question to asked, Willow signed to Cornelia.

"What do you mean?"

Cornelia sighed and caressed Willow's face, "My dear Willow. I know you are curious. And you have a right to be, but you must be patient..."

Willow growled lightly, "I've been patient for the last 10 years. I am ready to know!" She signed angrily.

Cornelia hooted lightly to calm Willow down and signed gently, "But me and your father are not ready... We knew this day would come, but not so soon... We want to prepare ourselves so that when we are ready, we can tell you properly... Does that make sense?" She signed slowly, wanting Willow to understand.

Willow sighed and looked at the floor, but nodded yes slowly. Cornelia smiled and listed her child's head gently. Willow smiled at her mother, who gave her contagious smile back.

"How have you and your father been?" She asked.

Willow's smile turned into a frown slowly, "Not good... Have not talked to him."

Cornelia frowned, "What happened?"

Willow told her what happened, from the day Willow ran off and followed her father into the woods, till now. Willow was on the brink of tears and Cornelia noticed. She patted Willow on the back and hooted, pulling Willow towards her. Willow broke down in tears and snuggled next to her mother, not wanting to let go.

She missed her father. She wanted to talk to him again, but he was so busy right now and possibly more stressed then ever. She didn't want to burden him. Cornelia held Willow close and let out a small sigh.

She hated seeing Willow like this.


Sorry for the errors!

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