Chapter 15

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It was already the next day. Caesar and Willow hardly spoke to each other, which bothered both of them. It was late in the afternoon and sadly, the rained poured. Everyone stayed inside, except some baby apes wanting to play. Willow stayed inside her room and tried to find something to do. Just as she was about to give up, she heard a voice... A voice she has never heard.

"I need to speak to Caesar!"

She jumped up and off her bed, ran out of the hut and saw her father on his tall rock. Then there stood one of those creature again. Willows was getting drenched in rain, but didn't care at all. She watched and listened closely. She couldn't hear clearly. All she heard was something about a a dam. The creature wanted to go to the dam.

She looked at her father, who looked at the man sternly. After a few more minutes her father talked with the creature and then began to follow it. Where to?

She was about to follow, but stopped herself. If she kept going, she was ire her dad would kill her. If she didn't go, she would have curiosity killing her. She watched as they were about to leave and she had to make a decision fast. Stay or go! Stay or go!

She closed her eyes for a moment, but opened them quickly and ran.

To her room.

She already upset her father enough, she didn't want to upset him more. An hour or two later her father and some of the other apes came back. She ran out of the hut, but kept her distance between her and her father. She watched as her father went to the doctors hut, to see Cornelia.

She looked around again and found Koba. Bingo.

Your probably wondering why she wanted to find Koba. The answer is, he had answers. She knew this was a risk. She knew that Koba really hated her for some reason. Maybe if she knew the reason, she could better understand what she was.

Hesitantly she walked towards the scarred ape, but froze mid step and started regretting this. She couldn't stop now, she knew she could do it. She walked up to Koba and made sure make her footsteps a little louder, wanting him to hear her.

Koba in fact did hear her and his head snapped towards her and there was his famous glare. Willow lightly gulped, but kept walking. When she was standing right in front of him she took a deep breath.

"Can you help me?" She signed to him slowly.

Koba looked at her like she had gone crazy. Him help her? She needed help from him? He gave her anew look, a look of confusion all over his face. Soon his glare came back and huffed, then turned to walk away, but her voice stopped him.


He stopped and his head fell. This human child was going to be the death of him. He turned back around and just glared at her, waiting.

"What... Wh-What am I?" She spoke gently, then signed the rest, "And why do you hate me?"

Koba was completely taken back. This was all she needed? Answers to stupid questions? Well they were stupid to him. He gave her another look and waited for her to start laughing and say she was messing with him, but she didn't. She so many emotions written on her face, he knew she was not joking.

Now he didn't know whether to answer her or just walk away like planned. He stood there and just stared at for a moment, but decided to answer for first question.

"You are human." He signed to her, growling as he signed human.

Willow nodded, but was confused, "What's a human?"

Koba rolled his eyes and snapped at her, "Shouldn't you be discussing this with Caesar? Or someone else?"

Willow glared at him, causing him to glare back, "I need answers and I know you have them. Now answer the second question please... Why do you hate me?"

Koba turned around and before he walked away he huffed,

"I don't hate you."

He walked away.


Sorry for the mistakes!

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