Chapter 2 - Devil May Follow (Miguel)

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My name is Miguel Lopez, in case you're wondering. I am Latino, my mom being from Peru and my father...well, I couldn't tell you much. He left when I was quite early. It's fine though, my mom was a wonderful mother and raised me as best she could. 

Anyway, back to my story.

In my new school, Iron Heights, I had it all. After enduring the bullying, I had become stronger. 

I started learning self defense, and took martial arts.

I hit a growth spurt. My acne cleared up.

I was less naive.

And yet, somehow I was more mysterious, because I never talked about my past with others. I promised myself I would never be a victim again. So I built walls around myself.

 I bleached my own hair, as a reminder to never, ever be weak again. As much as I hated and feared him, I also was in awe of his power.

 In some ways, I was just copying what I used to fear. I imitated his speech, his habits, and my own popularity grew. I was starting to have some of the "it" factor. 

I just never showed any of his cruelty.

I was quite popular, and the happiest I had ever been. I had four great friends whom had my back.

 But it all came crashing down, at the beginning of grade 11. God only allowed me one year of peace.

 "Everyone, we have a new student. His name is Eron Williams, and he's come all the way from Evergreen High. Please give him a warm welcome and help him out if he needs any help," the homeroom teacher, Mrs. Smith smiled. 

My blood ran so cold. I watched in horror as I recognized the very tall student in front of me. Even if I had grown taller, taller than most of my peers, he had as well, such that he could tower over me. As he always had.

His grey eyes locked with mine and the devil smiled.

 He bowed slightly and went to take his seat at the back of the room.

I could feel his eyes on me. The class was abuzz with whispers.

 "He's so hot!"

"...too handsome, but I dig it..."

" much better looking than my own boyfriend, damnit..."

 My mouth was so dry. I felt my stomach knotting up and I stood up abruptly.

"Miss Smith, I need to be excused," I hurriedly said, before I ran out of the classroom. I didn't care that everyone was watching, especially him.

 "Lopez, we are currently in the middle of class -," Miss Smith said, worried and shocked by my sudden and abrupt behavior. 

I ran to the bathroom. I started to throw up just as I hit the stalls. I got on my knees and I threw up all of my breakfast.

I was shivering as I sat against the wall of the stall. Was this a horrible nightmare? I desperately wanted to walk up. I  was terrified to leave the stall.  I lost track of time for how long I was in the bathroom

I suddenly heard the door to the bathroom creak open and I looked from my angle to see the shoes of a person.

My heart started to race as I recognized the black shoes with the little silver wings on them. Eron's shoes.

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