Chapter 14 - Touch my face (Miguel)

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 Somehow, to my surprise, after the fight outside the martial art's studio, Eron avoided me. It had always been me trying to avoid Eron in the halls.

 It was very obvious too. I would be walking down the hallway and he would be coming and see me. He would just simply turn on his heels and walk the other way. Luckily no one else had been around to see it. I didn't want to have to explain this to anyone.

It was strange and wonderful all at the same time.

I felt more peace but also discomfort.

Now that I had Robert's support, I felt more confident, more safe. My fear of Eron started to ebb away, and I felt like I could watch him as I pleased without fear of pain.

I almost felt like we had switched places. I was surrounded by my group of 4 close friends while Eron seemed more alone than ever, looking like a mess, with a bruised nose and bandaged head (from where I hit him with my school bag). 

And I felt pity. Who was the monster I had known?

His loneliness seemed self inflicted. When his friend would try to approach them, he barked at them to go away. Maybe he was embarassed by his face?...

We were in the cafe again eating.

Bruce was chewing his food, "That new kid is really weird. He shows up with new bruises all the time. Probably some kind of thug," Bruce said, looking at Charolette.

 She ignored him and looked at me.

I looked at her and then back to Eron.

"Yeah, he does look a bit more messed up than usual," I replied, pretending to keep it casual.

 "Good, the c*nt deserves it..." Robert muttered, smiling slightly.

 "I feel a bit sorry for him," Charlotte said, and her eyes looked at me with fear. Would I judge her, she thought.

 I smiled gently. "I know. I feel a bit sorry for him too," I said softly. Charolette smiled brightly at me. Bruce's face darkened.

 Robert scoffed. "God, that bleeding heart of yours just kills me." But Robert smiled. Robert liked that I was kind, to a fault.

Later that day, I was coming back from the bathroom, going back to class when I looked out into the field, and I saw in the distance, sitting on the benches in the field, was Eron.

 I bit my lip. He looked nice, with the sun shining on his shiny black hair. He had cut away lots of his blond dyed hair.

I decided to skip class and go talk with him. I had never spoken to him alone. But he was on my turf now. There were things I needed to say.

 I crossed the field, and expected him to looked surprised. But he just sat on the bench and stared at me emotionlessly as I walked toward him. 

I stared at his body through the uniform. He had started to work out. He looked good.

I hadn't really noticed in the martial arts studio, because he worn a loose outfit. But the uniform was very flattering on his figure. His arms were thick with muscle, and his waist was very narrow, with long legs stretched out in front of him. A strange contrast to his bruised face.

 "I saw you watching me from the window on the second floor," Eron said first.

My face blushed as my heart raced.

He had seen me? Eron's grey eyes watched me, his face emotionless.

 "I think this is the first time we've ever talked properly," I said, my voice cracking, from nervousness.

Eron said nothing and just stared at me with his cat-like eyes. He still said nothing.

"Hey, listen, I'm sorry for hitting you over the head the other day, back at the studio..." I apologized.

Eron's face twitched.

 "Don't be sorry. I've done worse to you," he said slowly.

I nodded. "Yeah, you did. Well, not you personally, but your goons."

 Eron's right side of his mouth curled up. "Those goons are my friends you're talking about..."

 I smiled. I was insulting his friends but I felt confident enough to do it. I really did hate his friends.

Eron got up from the bench and moved toward me. My muscles tensed up. He stood and looked down at me.

I could feel his breath on my cheeks.

 "Your skin is completely clean now. I always knew you looked good under all that acne," He said, raising a hand, and running a hand over my cheek.

 I didn't pull away, even if he had just insulted me. His fingers along my face felt electricity down my spine.

Eron didn't smile. He just stared at me intensely. He stroked my face for a moment, then his hand dropped.

 He looked away and turned away from me.

I stood there, my brain still trying to accept what had just happened.

I remembered his words in the martial arts studio. "I've never felt jealously until that bastard opened his mouth to defend you."

 "Did you mean it, what you said at the studio?" I called to him. He didn't turn his back to face me.

 "Yes. There's alot about I want to tell you. But I'm scared I'm too late, that I don't deserve a second chance." He said.

My heart raced in my chest. I wanted to know more.

 "Why did you bully me? Why did you hate me?" I asked, needing to know.

Eron turned and faced me. He looked torn.

"...I never meant to hurt you. And if it seemed I hated you, it's because I was a coward."

I stood rooted to the ground, his words making my head spin.

"I ...I almost killed myself because of you," I said, my anger and fear returning. "I finally found peace in this school, away from you. Why did you follow me here? To mess with me?"

Eron looked alarmed at my sudden anger.

 "I -..." he started to say.

 "No!" I shouted. "I don't want to hear it. Stay away from me!" I yelled. I was afraid to hear the truth. That I was a loser who deserved it.  I was afraid that he was still toying with me, pretending to be kind, only to rip me apart again. Kiss me and then knee me in the stomach.

I turn on my heels and walk away quickly.

My face is burning red with anger, embarrassment and fear and a bunch of other emotions. I wanted him, and it hurt to feel this way about someone like him. Maybe I did deserve all this, because I was stupid enough to be a moth drawn to flame. 

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