Chapter 38 - Can you love two people? (Miguel)

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It was the weekend and I was chilling with Robert. I didn't want to be at home, stewing in my own thoughts.

"Yes, you can hang out with me," Robert sighed. 

The two of us were sitting the library. Robert was studying on his work, while I just kept tapping my pencil on my book. Nothing I read stuck.

"I wonder how Charlotte is doing," I said casually.

 "Don't...." Robert said, without looking up from his notes.

"Aren't you worried how she's doing?" I moaned. Robert could be so heartless sometimes.

 "I am, but I know better than to let you go show your face around her. She needs to get over you and get with Bruce so we can all leave this mess behind."

I stared at Robert angrily.

 "People can't just control their feelings like that!" I hissed. People around us shot us dirty looks.

Sorry, sorry, I motioned my head.

Robert got up and motioned me to follow him. We stood outside the library in the cold. I had left my sweater inside.

 "When you love someone, you put your feelings aside and you wish them the best even if being with them only hurts them. That's what true love is," Robert said solemnly.

 "Have you loved anyone, Robert?" I asked, curious about Robert and his mature look on love. Robert looked at me sideways. 

"No, I'm not stupid enough to fall in love until the timing is right," Robert said coolly.

I sighed. Lucky Robert. He didn't have to suffer heartache the same way I did.

 "Is it possible to like two people at once?" I asked. Robert slapped me on the back.

 "Don't be greedy, Miguel. It's a bad look," Robert said, looking at me unimpressed.

I burst out laughing. It sounded stupid when I finally said it outloud.

 "Come on, let's go to the movies. I'm tired of studying," Robert said. I nodded. I wanted to take a break too.

At the movies, we watched a comedy. Robert laughed freely and I felt comfortable. 

For a moment, I also forgot all my drama. I laughed too. Robert smiled at me, and I felt warm inside.

Robert caught me smiling and he looked sad for a moment but then he smiled again. He looked like a thought had flashed through and it pained him.

That wasn't like Robert to hold things in. And it also made me sad because I didn't know to ask what was wrong.

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