Chapter 27 - She did it to herself (Eron)

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Miguel and I sat in the coffee shop, Timmies and while he sipped his coffee, he kept asking me where I had gone yesterday.

I obviously didn't want to admit I had gone to Mcdonald's. I knew he would get touchy about that, ever since he didn't find it funny to play with that kid who worked there. 

It had sorta backfired and I didn't want to give him any more stress, especially now that I knew he started doing drugs with Charlotte.

As I trying to think of an excuse, I saw a familiar looking girl who kept looking at me. 

I suddenly realized it was Tesha. She was much skinnier and fit, and her hair had been cut much shorter.

 "Eron!" she cried when she also finally recognized me.

I didn't know how to react. I remember the last thing I said to her, the day I left our school. I felt so embarrassed.

 I didn't want to face her, not right now, not in front of Miguel.

I looked at Miguel and he looked frozen in his chair. I didn't blame him. Tesha was especially vicious when it came to him.

I had to protect him. 

I quickly faked a smile.  "Hey Tesha! You look great!" I laughed, and even I cringed at my fake tone. Luckily Tesha bought it, but I could see Miguel didn't.

 "You changed your hair color! It isn't blond anymore, I didn't recognize you!" Tesha said in her high pitched voice. I had forgotten how annoying she could be sometimes.

 "Heh, yeah, I grew it out, I was tired of my hair color matching my skin color," I laughed falsely. I could feel sweat going down my back. This was so ungodly painful...

Tesha kept talking about light hearted things but it was all a fog in my mind. I just kept looking at Miguel and his face growing darker and darker.

 'You remember, Miguel, right?" I asked, trying to find away to break the tension.

 "Micheal, was it?" she said, getting his name wrong. God, Tesha was heartless to the very end. 

I didn't blame her, it's not like I ever stopped her when she got like this.

 Miguel stood up abruptly and walked away, saying "Excuse me."

I moved to follow him but Tesha stood in my way. I looked down and started to glare. 

Get out of the way, I thought annoyed.

Tesha furrowed her eyebrows. 

"You owe me an apology," she said lowly.

 "No, I don't ," I said, dropping the pretence.

 "You stopped talking my calls, then you disappeared for a year, and now I find you here, chilling with that loser?" she said venomously. "Wearing the same uniforms, no less?"

 "Tesha, there's nothing I gotta say to you," I shoved past her. I watched in panic as I saw Miguel walk past my car. Where was he going? I knew he was upset but he didn't need to ditch me.

 I felt her tiny hands grab my jacket. "Do you know how much of a hole you left, that day you said you hated me?" I heard her small voice crack. 

I felt my anger leaving me, my guilt crushing my heart. I remembered but I was in a terrible place at the time.

I turned and faced it.

 "I never meant to hurt you. But this had nothing to do with you," I said sadly. I pulled my jacket and she let it go. Her eyes filled with tears. I turned on my heel and walked away. Miguel was more important that her feelings. If she felt like sh*t, it was her own fault.

"I liked you but now I wish I had never met you!" she yelled. I felt my heart feel a sharp pain but I kept walking. I exited Timmies and ran after Miguel.

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