Chapter 7 - Battles Outside Dojos (Miguel)

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My wishes came true, we were sparring alright.

I volunteered. I had had one year of practise. I felt I had enough to take on Eron. 

Eron had never fought me personally, he had always had his goons to do his dirty work.

  Eron looked amused I offered to spar him. Maybe he felt confident in his height or whatever, but I was gonna win, no matter what. I fitted my helmet on, and tightened the gloves around my wrists. 

We were on the mat ring, and I went straight to take him down. 

I shouldn't have rushed. That was a mistake on my part. 

He quickly used his energy to flow with my attack and then pinned me effortlessly to the ground. My chest hit the mat hard and all the air came out of my lungs. He sat on top of me, and I could hear him laughing. He started to rain blows over me. I held my fists protectively in front of my face, just grunting as I took the hits. I counted in my head down the seconds, before the instructor yelled to stop. 

 "Get off him, fata**!" I heard Robert yell at Eron, as he ran into the ring to help me up. As I got up, I watched Eron look at me with that mixed face of hurt and longing. Then he watched Robert help me up, and his face moved into place and there was nothing but hate. 

 "Woah, woah, Robert, it's just a friendly match, there's no need to get offensive," the instructor scolded, very taken aback by Robert's outburst.

"...just you wait," I heard Eron mutter under his breath, as he got off my back. I saw from the mirror of the studio, he was glaring at Robert when he said it.

 I got up and my fellow classmates were staring at Eron in awe.

 "He's so strong..."

"...I didn't expect that..."

  "....I thought Miguel was stronger than that...."

 Robert looked annoyed. "Gossiping b*tches," he muttered under his breath.

 Eron stole a side glance at me. I felt struck that his laughing face dropped for a mere moment and he looked concerned.

I must have looked shocked because his mask slipped back into place.

We continued to do drills the remainder of the session. I pretended not to notice Eron watching me in the mirror.

I just focused on my punches and my kicks, but I couldn't help but steal glances at Eron as well.

Eron's strong but lean arms were fast. That's how he had beat me. He was confident, and at ease in his body.

He had destroyed my confidence and that's how he had won against me.

The session finished and everyone went to change. Everyone bowed and said good bye to the instructor.

 Robert and I were leaving the studio, when Eron walked beside the two of us.

Robert scowled. 

"I'm not walking with him..." Robert muttered.

 "Hey, there fellas, if we are going the same way, let's go together!" Eron said cheerfully.

I felt my stomach get in a knot. I wasn't used to Eron acting friendly, around me. It felt unnatural. What was his motive? I could still picture his expression before we entered the studio. Was he playing with me?

"Listen, f*ckwad, we ain't friends, got it? Miguel don't want you here, and I sure as hell don't want you here either!" Robert blurted out.

 Robert had a quick temper and liked to swear and I felt my back sweat. He definitely had pissed off Eron.

Eron's face twisted into that horrible look he got before he used to order me to get beat.

"Listen....Robert, was it? Loser over there," Eron spat, looking at me with venom in his eyes, "can speak for himself. He doesn't need a d*ck sucker like you speaking up for him."

 "What are you gonna do about it?" Robert snapped. That last comment had gotten under Robert's skin, I just knew it. 

Before I could stop it, Robert swung his free fist at Eron.

Unlike when I caught Eron completely off guard with the door, and because I had never fought back, Eron was well prepared for Robert's fist.

 Eron quickly dodged it and brought up a knee into Robert's stomach.

"Stop it!" I cried. I grabbed my bag and swung it hard against Eron's head. 

There was a dull thump as it hit him hard over the head.

Both Robert and Eron fell over. It seems that I would always have the element of surprise at my advantage.

 I rushed over to Robert.

"Are you okay?" I cried. "Get up, let's get out of here," I hauled Robert and pulled him after me. 

He was cursing under his breath. He resisted my pull and wanted to attack Eron. 

"He's not worth it!" I hissed. I remembered all the pain I had suffered and my fear fueled my strength.

 Eron groaned and got up unsteadily to his feet. He never seemed to expect my attacks. I wondered how long that would last.

I managed to hobble away with Robert and make it to the subway.

 Eron didn't bother to get up from the street ground till we were long away. But I could see the fury in his eyes as he watched us flee.

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