Chapter 31 - My Hero (Miguel)

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The next day, I walked glumily to school. I wondered if I should skip or not. But I knew that I didn't want to worry Eron.

So I went to class. During lunch, Bruce saw Robert and I, and he turned and walked briskly away in the other way.

"Jesus, what happened now..."Robert asked annoyed.

 "I don't want to talk about it," I muttered darkly.

 "Charlotte still didn't come to class again. Did you go see what was wrong with her yesterday?"

"Yeah," I said quickly, trying to change the topic.


 "Nothing. She's just got a cold. That's why she isn't here today either," I lied.

 Robert shrugged. "Not surprised, she is really skinny. That girl needs to eat more."

 My pocket vibrated. "You got a phone? No way, let me see!" Robert said. I let him look. 

"I thought you can't afford a new toy like this."

 "...I can't," I said, although I already knew what Robert would think. His face changed and he handed me back the phone. 

"What, he bought you a phone too? Ain't he such a great guy," Robert said sarcastically.

 I just didn't feel like dealing with Robert's attitude today.

 "Why do you hate him so much? He's been really good to me recently," I said, defending Eron. Robert said nothing. He continued to eat his food. 

"Whatever," he finally muttered. "You can go to martial arts class yourself. I'm ditching today. I don't feel like being there with you acting like a little bitch," Robert mutter. 

I was starting to miss Eron. I wished I was with Eron, instead of with Mr.moody-pants.

 I started to miss the good old days, when the four of us had lunch together and Eron was a distant memory. I felt torn by how I felt.

 After school, Eron texted me, 'I can't walk home together. Call you tn?" I stared at the screen glumily. 

"Sure, np! [smiley face][heart][heart]" I texted back.  I walked to the bus stop. I didn't feel like going to marital arts class either. I just wanted to go home.

"Well, well, if it isn't Micheal..." came a a shrill little voice I could recognize anywhere. 

I turned and saw Tesha, George, Yangli and Ryan. And behind Tesha, was that boy I recognized from the Mcdonalds. He was wearing the Rivers High uniform. My mind was racing. What was going on?

Oh God, what a time to be alone, I thought, in panic.

 How the hell did they find me here? My hands tighten around my school bag.

 "Can I help you?" I asked, my body tensing up. "Kick the groin, poke the eyes", I kept hearing my instructor's voice in my head.  

 "A little bird told me you've been black-mailing Eron into doing nasty things with you. I just can't forgive that," Tesha said, staring me down, which was impressive, given that I towered over her.

My eyes caught the stare of that kid behind her. That must have been him.

I had more immediate problems though. My eyes glanced between the three goons behind her, George, Yangli and Ryan.

George was built large, with a rather dumb look to his face. A bit like an oaf. His punches were the worst, though.

Yangli was the opposite of him. He was rather skinner, with a fox like expression, and pointed ears.

Ryan was good-looking and silent, with muscular arms and always seemed rather bored by the whole affair of bullying me but I could tell he did anything as long as he got Tesha's approval.

Sickening bastards, I thought. I wanted to get out here, I wasn't going to let them intimidate me like before.

 "The fuck do you want?" I asked coolly, trying to hid the terror in my voice. It was 5 versus 1.

"Ooo, you acting tough now? You didn't seem that tough back at Timmies," Tesha gloated.

 I moved to walk away from them, but George moved to block my way.

I wasn't going to be the one to throw the first punch, but I had to let them know I wasn't weak. 

I felt my arm moving slowly through the air. My punch was swift and I caught George right between the eyes. I followed my punch through, and the blast sent George falling backward.

Tesha gawked. Yangli looked shocked momentarily, but Ryan seemed unfazed, as though he almost expected it.

"I got better shit to do than be here," Ryan said bored, as he sprung at me, fist first.

I blocked his punch, just in time, but it wasn't enough to also stop Yangli's side kick. I caught Yangli's heel right in my ribs. I fell over sideways, my bag stopping my fall.

I lay on the ground, gasping for air but I quickly scrambled to get up, but Ryan's fists caught me right in the mouth. I tasted blood and fell over again.

I started to get kicked repeatedly in the stomach. I held my arms over my head to try to protect myself.

"Stay down, you dog!" Tesha cackled. If I ever got my hands on her neck, I was going to strangle her myself.

Suddenly the kicking stopped, and I opened my eyes. 

I watched as Robert flew back effortlessly between Yangli, Ryan and George, kicking them in the gut, punching them in the jaws, in the legs, and the groin.

He moved sharply and quickly, with a wild reckless abandonment. He expertly moved through the air, dodging their punches and quickly hitting their weak spots. They were bullies but they were no match for Robert's expert techniques.

George, and  Yangli rolled on the ground groaning. Ryan was still barely standing up, holding up his fists, standing in front of Tesha to protect her.

 "Who the hell are you?!" Tesha shrieked.

 "Get the hell out of here, before I also kick your arse too, you little cunt," Robert snapped calmly, his fists raised slightly in front of his face. 

He felt at ease, although he was breathing slightly.

 "Screw this, I'm out," said the boy from Mcdonalds, who was standing behind Tesha the whole time. He turned and walked away.

I watched out of one swollen eye as he turned and walked off.

 Tesha grit her teeth and motioned to Ryan and the crew. "Let's go. This ain't over yet, Micheal," she hissed at me.

I watched them walk off, my vision still upside down. Robert waited till they were a bit off before he went down and knelt beside me.

 "Aren't you gonna help me up?..." I groaned.

Robert frowned. "I wanna say, 'you did this to yourself,' or ask you, was that your old bullies, but honestly, none of that matters right now," he sighed. He reached his hand out and offered me a hand.

I took it and I moaned. I think they broke my rib.

"Thank you," I managed to say. I was sure other kids from school had seen. Several other students took this bus route, and Tesha and her goons had arrived just shortly after school had ended. They probably had skipped school to get here. God, they really didn't have any lives. 

 "I'm taking you to the hospital. Don't talk, you'll make it worse."

I nodded my head. Robert just went to the top of my list of favorite people.

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