Chapter 25 - He isn't blackmailing me (Eron)

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We drove in for a good 10 minutes before we reached his house. I didn't even know such a house could have such a deep driveway.


 When we pulled up to the house, my mouth dropped. My house looked like a shack compared to this kid's mansion.

It was large, dark and older looking, not a recently made house. There were many rooms on each floor and a vast field with trees and flowers in the back of the house.

"What the hell does your family do?..." I asked, as we drove up. In the drive way, were two lambos, 1 Ferrari and two lower class models, like a Lexus and a Mercedes.

 "My family is the Sheng family," he said, pride obvious in his voice. The Sheng family. Originally from Taiwan, after China had the cultural revoltion, they spread to Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

 "The Sheng family....of course..." I muttered. 

 "Wanna come up to my room?" he asked. This I had to refuse.

"No. This is as far as I'm taking you. You can go up to your own room by yourself. Now I held up my end of the bargain, now you do yours. How do you know about Miguel and I?"

He looked thoughful for a moment before he said, "I'm a year younger than you, so you probably never noticed me. I used to watch you in the hallways between class changes. I once came into the bathroom when you and your friends were shoving your boyfriend's head into the toliet stall. Why would you do that if you guys are dating now?" He asked, genuinely confused.

My knuckles turned white, as I clenched the steering wheel. I hated to be reminded of those days.

"I want to leave those days behind. I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you," I snarled. The boy looked unfazed.

"That's fine. I don't blame you. He looked like he deserved it. Ugly and poor. Besides, you don't know how jealous I got when I saw you pull up to my work place with him with you. Is he blackmailing you, is that why you are with him?"

 I had had it up to here with people thinking that there couldn't be a natural reason why I was with Miguel.

"Get out of the car," I said coldily.  He looked surprised by my outburst. 

"So he is blackmailing you..."

 "No! He's my boyfriend because I like him! I was a complete a** to him because he was completely different from me, he was a good person and I couldn't stand it because I was all f*cked up inside. I hate it when people think that all that matters are looks or money! Get out!" I yelled.

 He looked alarmed by my outburst. He got out of the car, and slammed the door shut.

I hit the gas and I pulled away. I drove recklessly, and when I drove up to his old gates, I hit the gas and smashed open the gates with the car. I watched metal sparks fly everywhere. I kept driving, knowing exactly where I was going.

I drove past the bridge that cursed me, reminding me of my past transgressions.

I drove until I reached the block I had dropped off Miguel. I parked the car, and I walked around, seeing if I could figure out where Miguel's house was. I had no idea but I just needed to see him. Maybe if I was lucky, I could catch him coming home.

I was walking around randomly and aimlessly when I caught sight of Miguel. Just my luck!

I ran up to him and I was immediately struck by how strangely he was ambling along. He had a strange look on his face, smiling stupidly.

 "Miguel!" I called and grabbed his arms. He wobbled as I shook him. His head flopped up and down, lazily. Was he drunk?

"Eeeron...what are you doing here?" he cooed happily.

I looked worried. Was he drugged? Did he eat something bad?

"Why are you talking like an idiot?" I asked urgently.

 He started to fall over and I caught him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

 "I was with Charlotte....she gave me some heroin. I told her not to tell you, because I know you'll get mad..."

I immediately pulled up his jacket coat and saw his arm was red and swollen where he was pricked. That f*cking bitch.

It was any wonder he managed to get home alone in this state. 

"She let you walk around like this?" I demanded.

Miguel suddenly looked alarmed. 

" way, man....she was asleep after she ....she...shot up, so I just wanted to get some fresh air!"

 I couldn't let Miguel go home like this. I could only imagine what his mother would think.

"Come on, we're going to my car," I said, pulling Miguel's arm around me and hauling him to my car.

 "It's already is...waiting," he giggled. I opened the car door and threw him in. I went around the other side and got in. When I got into the driver's seat, Miguel was holding up a sweater.

"Who's is this....?" He asked, even though he was out of it, he understood the sweater wasn't mine.

Sh*t, I thought mentally. That stupid kid forgot his sweater. I hadn't even noticed when I drove off in a rage.

"It's mine. I just don't wear it to school, cuz it's ugly as hell," I said, snatching it from him, but he held onto it.

 "Don't smell like yours...." he frowned, unsteadily. "Are you cheating on me?..."

 For someone out of it, he sure was rather attentive to detail.

"I told you, it's mine," I repeated, clutching the sweater, pulling it from him.

He let it go and lost the energy to fight me. I sighed with relief.

He closed his eyes and went silent. I stared for a moment. 

"Miguel?..." I poked him. He was snoring slightly. I couldn't believe it. He was out like a light, in just a moment.

I sighed and rested my head on my steering wheel. What the hell had gotten into Miguel?

What the hell had gotten into me?

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