Chapter 43 - Dinner at the Inlaws' (Eron)

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I pulled my pants up and slide my shirt on. I watched Aiden get dressed as well. His frame was skinny, like he didn't play any sports, or eat much. Not every attractive, I thought to myself. I remembered Miguel's fit abs from working out and going to martial arts class.

I mentally scolded myself. Forget him.

Aiden opened the door and I followed him down the stairs. He reached out and took my hand. I allowed it. I wasn't about to pull away.

"Your place is pretty big," I commented.

Aiden beamed. "Thank you, I'm glad you think so. I actually think it's too big. My parents want you to live with them when we get married but I'd rather it if we lived in a small apartment. I think that's much more intimate," he sounded so excited and giddy. How could someone so young have such thoughts already? I had never given marriage a thought. I was too busy just being a teenager.

We reached the main floor. We walked down the long corridor and reached the kitchen.

The kitchen lead into the living room. Aiden's mom was reading a book, while his father was reading the newspaper.

My parents rarely sat together at the dinner table, unless either my father's parents or grandpa and grandma came over.

"Ah, did the two of you both make up after your little quarrel?" Mrs. Sheng teased us.

"Yeah, we are more than okay now," Aiden smiled, jumping down at the table. He padded the chair beside him and motioned for me to seat.

I tried my best to play along. I felt somewhat embarrassed knowing that moments ago, I had their son in a comprising position. I felt dirty, like I shouldn't be at the table, eating with them.

"We had the chef whip up some rice with bbq duck. Aiden loves eating food that reminds him of home," Mrs. Sheng said, as some maids came in and served the food.

I looked at the maids. We didn't even have maids but I'm sure we could have afforded it. My grandparents were always against it. They had grownup without and they didn't want such luxuries in the house.

"Home?" I asked, dumbly. I realized, unlike Samantha, whom my grandparents had filled me in on, I actually knew very little about Aiden.

And here I was suppose to be his two year long boyfriend.

Mr. Sheng looked rather surprised by my question. "Taiwan?..." he said.

Aiden laughed. "Isn't Eron funny? He loves to joke," Aiden said, casually, digging into his food. I realized, Aiden hadn't grow up in Canada. Maybe that's why he was skinny.

He didn't like the food here. He probably missed the food from back home.

I quickly tried to recall what I could remember about the Sheng family. I had assumed that since Aiden's grandparents were originally from Taiwan, due to business, he might have grown up in Hong kong, Singapore, and China. But apparently that wasn't the case.

I started to eat my food. I wasn't sure if I should be asking questions, for fear they would see how little I knew.

"So Eron, I heard about your parent's divorce. How is your mother doing?" Mr. Sheng asked.

I felt uncomfortable. I didn't know how much Aiden had known about my mother's and father's abuse situation.

"She's doing quite well, she has a boyfriend now. Great guy, seriously, awesome dude," I said cheerfully. I wanted to lie as little as possible.

Mr. Sheng looked cheerful so maybe he hadn't known. "I'm glad to hear that. And your father?"

Had Mr. Sheng not kept in contact with my father? "Oh well, um...I don't see him much lately. He's quite busy with work," I lied.

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