Chapter 29 - Sugar Baby (Miguel)

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Eron and I drove to school. He pulled up and dropped me off at the front of the school.

 "Can't you park in the back, so no one can see us in your flashy car?" I moaned, trying to sink deeper into the seat.

 "Miguel, don't be a lame. Are you ashamed of my car?" Eron growled.

I shook my head feverishly. We just made it to school on time. I didn't want waste more time fighting.

"No, you know I love your car," I quickly said. I got out of the car and went ahead.

Eron still had to go park his car. I silently thanked God that we wore uniforms, because I didn't want to explain day old clothes.

 I got to my locker as the bell rang, students started to mill around me. I grabbed my books and went to class. I wondered if my mom was worried. Of course she would be worried. I mentally kicked myself.

In class, a note got thrown at the back of my head. I opened it.  "You're mom called my place yesterday. I told her you passed out at my place," I read. I looked back at Robert.

His face looked emotionless. I mouthed a "Thank you". 

Robert didn't smile and returned back to his book. I felt ashamed.

When class finished, I walked to Robert.

 "Your business is your business, but I think you should be rethinking your priorities when you don't go home, and your friends gotta cover for you. Charlotte didn't come to class either. Have any ideas?" Robert asked, not impressed.

 Robert was a straight shooter, never one to like drama.

 "I ...I was with Charlotte yesterday," I said, tugging at my sleeve, unconsciously.

 "I'm saying this because I care. She's gone down that rabbit way too deep. Don't follow her there, it won't save her or you," Robert said, looking down at my sleeve. He was such a sharp guy, sometimes it scared me.

 I followed after him numbly. I felt overwhelmed by it all and I felt no one else would understand me like he would.

"I've just been having a rough time," I began.

 "Tell it to your boyfriend, not me," Robert cut me off. I started at his back, feeling pain in his harsh tone.

I glumily followed him to the next class. We sat next to each other and I felt really down. Robert really didn't seem to care to know what was wrong with me. That hurt me and I didn't know why.

During lunch, Robert dropped off his books and went to talk with Bruce. Bruce asked where Charlotte was.

"She skipped morning and second period," Robert said casually. 

Bruce's face darkened.

"That's not like her. I hope nothing happened with her father," Bruce mumbled.

I had lunch with the three of them, and it was so awkward. Bruce was in his own world, Robert didn't look at me at all, and I didn't have the energy to say anything. 

I just felt really sh*tty.

I didn't share third class with Robert or Bruce. I went my own way when I ran into Eron.

"Here," he said, pulling out a cellphone. It was shiny and it was folded over nicely.

 "Eron, you didn't need to get me a phone!" I gasped. No one I knew had a cellphone.

Those were so expensive!

 "It's a flip type. The lastest model, here," he said, slipping it into my pocket. As he leaned in, he kissed my cheek. 

"You can call me whenever you want, I got you an unlimited texting plan," he smiled.

My terrible day brightened up, I forgot about the horrible morning incident and then the moodly lunch.

 "I can't pay you for the phone bill, are you sure?" I asked.

Eron pulled out his own phone, matching model as mine, except his was black and mine was white.

 "Can't I pamper you once in a while?" he asked.

I smiled to myself. 

"Don't act like a sugar daddy just cuz you have money. I don't like you for your money," I said, teasing him.

Eron put a hand under his chin. 

"I know it was this face that got you," he grinned, batting his lashes overdramatically.

I felt much lighter laughing and talking with Eron. But not as light as I wanted to be. I still kept thinking of Charlotte having skipped class, and about the fact Eron still hadn't told me where he went yesterday.

 "Besides, if you wanted to be my sugar baby, I would set you up with a trust fund. Do you want that?" Eron asked me eagerly. What kind of high schooler offered such things?

"Jeese, no thank you, I'm not a gold digger," I laughed back half-heartedly, although I wasn't sure if Eron was joking.

Eron smiled and shrugged. "All you gotta say is the word," he said in a sing-song manner. 

My hand reached out and I grabbed his jacket. Where did you go yesterday, I wanted to ask. I opened my mouth then closed it.

 "Hm?" Eron said.

 "Nothing. Um, thank you for the phone. I'll text you," I said, hugging him quickly before I ran off to the next period. I clutched the new phone. I didn't feel like I deserved it, yet I wondered, was the phone a payment for Eron's guilt?

My Hater, My Lover (Book One)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara