Chapter 39 - Political Opportunity (Eron)

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I was in the cell for almost 24 hours. I felt gross and I couldn't wait to shower. It was harder to just pay bail because the brat's family had pulled some strings to keep me in there longer than I had wanted.

Grandpa wasn't without his connections, though and he pulled through.

The ride home was quiet and miserable. After my attitude yesterday, Grandpa wasn't talking to me. Grandma tried to make conversation but it kept dying so she stopped.

As we pulled into the driveway of the house, I caught sight of an unfamiliar car park among our family's.

 "...What the devil...", Grandpa muttered under his breath as he parked the car.

The three of us exited the car and we headed up into the house.

In the living room, my mother and Matt were sitting across from three strangers. At least, the parents were strangers. Sitting between the parents was Aiden.

Aiden made eye contact with me and he looked hopeful.

I felt my blood immediately boil. What nerve did that little punk have to come into my house after all that happened?

My mom stood up, and so did Aiden's parents.

 Both Aiden's parents looked as uncomfortable as my mom did.

My mom's face looked frightened and confused.

"Mom, Dad, these are Mr. and Mrs. Sheng. Um, this is their son, Wen. They...wanted to talk about the incident with all of us present," she quickly filled us in.

Grandpa was never one to be at loss, but this was the first time I saw Grandpa looking very tense. My grandma was quicker to react.

"Please, take a seat," my Grandma said, with a friendly tone. She smiled gracefully and Mr. and Mrs. Sheng looked more relaxed.

"We just arrived shortly before you did," Mr. Sheng began.

I sat down on the third couch with my grandparents. I looked across at Aiden. Punk...I thought darkly.

"We want to apoligize on our grandson's behalf," Grandpa said solemnly.

Mr. Sheng quickly shook his head and that really shocked me. I expected him to start screaming at the top of his lungs that I had to repay back all the damage I caused.

"Our son said that it was his fault. He said that he had angered his boyfriend ..."

Mr. Sheng looked embarassed. "Well, truth is, our son hadn't mentioned that he was dating your son, so I was a bit surprised that they had had a lover's quarrel."

It took all the energy to keep myself from jumping up and screaming what the hell. I looked shocked at Aiden.

Aiden stared back at me intently, praying that I didn't give him up again. He was trying to save my skin, I realized.

My grandparents looked at me and then at my mother. They had all already met my real boyfriend...Miguel, not this kid.

At least they thought. They looked confused as much as Mr. and Mrs. Sheng looked. Maybe they were doubting my story, maybe I was really dating Aiden and not Miguel.

"Is that so?" My mom quickly recovered. She knew that Miguel was the real deal, not this kid but I could already tell she was trying to save the situation.

"Oh my, my son has great taste and I'd be delighted if your son was with mine but... but I don't think that he could be dating your son..." she trailed.

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