Chapter 40 - Let's Run Away (Miguel)

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School finished and Eron hadn't come to school today either. I understood. Eron didn't need to actually come to school. He was just going to take over his family business.

Charlotte was still absent but Bruce had come to school. He ignored me and that was fine. I didn't want to deal with him either.

Robert stuck by my side. Bruce went and hung out with Pithu, and sometimes I could see the two of them whispering and looking at me.

When school ended, I was leaving the back gates when I saw his Maserati in the parking lot.

I took a deep breath and walked up to it. The window rolled down. I saw Eron's face, and he looked very serious.

"Get in," he said simply.

I opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Eron revved the engine and we took off. I watched the trees and street signs pass me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are running away," Eron said, without looking at me.

"Wh-what?" I did a doubt take. Eron was dead serious.

"I thought about it last night. The only person who matters is you. If you will have me, I want us to run away. We can take my father's jet and I got a good place for us to hole up in Taiwan. No one will find us."

My heart was thumping in my chest.

"Say something!" Eron yelled. I jumped in my seat. I was scared by Eron's sudden behaviour. Did things not work out after the Aiden situation?

"You just suddenly appear and I haven't seen you since two days ago in the police station. I don't even know how you knew it was Aiden who told Tesha and everyone that I came to this school. I wish you hadn't done what you did, I could have taken care of that punk myself."

"Robert told me," Eron said briskly. "And no, you wouldn't have. You got your ass kicked. That kid was my fault and I had to fix it myself."

"What do you mean, your fault?" I asked.

"You asked me what I did that day I skipped, I had given that kid a ride home." Eron said, his voice sounded tight, like it was hard to talk.

"...why did you give him a ride home..." I asked slowly.

"He told me he knew about you and me, from back at Rivers high. I wanted more info on that, that's why. I thought it was a simple trade of info. I never imagined he would go to the lengths he did."

"All this just because you ordered food from Mcd?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, he was a freshmen when I used to pick on you," Eron explained.

I blinked at Eron. Was he stupid or was he just bad at lying.

"We were freshmen when you picked on could someone be a freshmen under us?" I asked, feeling rather irritated his story.

Eron swerved the car and we almost crashed. He pulled over and looked at me with horror in his eyes.

I realized he had not noticed that detail.

"That little punk was lying!" He exclaimed. "So how had he known about us?...the only other thing I can think of, his father and mine did business back in China...."

"I don't want to hear anymore about this stupid kid. Can we please stop talking about him?"

"Yes, you're right, it doesn't matter," he nodded.

Suddenly Eron's phone started to ring.

Eron grabbed it and picked it up. His face went pale and he hung up the phone. I glared.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"No one," he lied. The phone rang again and I grabbed it before he could and answered it.

"Don't forget you're picking me up today," came that boy's voice.

I dropped the phone onto my lap. Was Eron cheating on me? I suddenly remembered the sweater in his car. It was that boy's, wasn't it?...

Maybe Eron was the liar, not this kid. Maybe that kid had ganged up on me, because he didn't like me around his man. Maybe I was the side chick....and I had just been too stupid to see it.

"What did he say?" Eron asked worried. He knew who it was, and I hadn't even said anything.

I got out of the car, and slammed the door as hard as I could.

"Where the hell are you going? Miguel! Talk to me!" Eron yelled, getting out his seat and following me.

"Eron, what the hell are you hiding? Or is it me, you're hiding?" I demanded to know.

"Miguel, are you friggin' kidding me right now? You met my own mother! How the hell have I been hiding you? I've been telling my mom about you since I dropped out of school. Yeah, that's right, I dropped out of school because I couldn't bear to go to a place that you weren't!'

"Oh, boo-hoo, Poor Eron! If I hadn't finally had enough and gotten the courage to leave, you would have kept bullying me until I did actually jump off a bridge and kill myself!" I yelled at Eron. I was crossing the line but Eron deserved to hear it.

"Miguel, please...I'm sorry...I'm so don't know how sorry I am..."

"You haven't done me any good since you entered my life! Not then and not now! You hide things, you lie, you embarass me in front of people you know I hate, you disappear and re-appear as you please! What am I to you? Just the same toy, except instead of being a punching bag, I'm now just your personal man whore! I'm done with it. I'd rather go back to the days at Rivers before I ever decide to run away with your sorry-ass self," I ended coldily.

Eron looked at me unsteadily. "You don't mean that," Eron said, trying to smile.

"How do you even know my love for you is real? How do you know I'm not doing this out of fear? Maybe I want you to go with that brat! You both match one another!" I really could not stop myself anymore.

The anger, the jealousy and the pain were gushing out of my mouth and body like poison my soul was finally being vomited out.

Eron said nothing, except looking miserable. "Miguel, I'm going to ask you one last time, come away with me, you won't regret -"

I cut him off. "What, I won't regret it? I already regret not having reported you to the police the moment my mom told me to, that night after I came down from the bridge. Just, just...just leave me alone," I finally ended, weakly. All my fighting spirit had left me.

Eron suddenly started to cry.

I had never seen Eron cry. It was horrible. He was always grinning, laughing or teasing me. He had been cruel, he had been kind, but he had never shown me his hurt side before. I felt like someone was ripping out my guts.

I wanted to run and hug him and tell him I was taking it all back.

But I couldn't. I couldn't let go of my pride, or my pain. I walked away. Each step cut my heart as I heard his sobs coming more and more distant.

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