Made Up?!

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I woke up with a massive headache.My annoying alarm that I set the night before just went off.I had to go to BigHit today...AGAIN.I had to face Jimin and Jungkook,I didn't want to.It looks like I'd be going to BigHit everyday until Monday when I go to school.I sighed loudly.I lazily got up and made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine.I threw on something comfortable and went downstairs to have breakfast.I wished my mum, uncle and the maids a good morning, they did the same.

After we deliciously ate,we left for BigHit Entertainment.We arrived there faster than I thought.My mood became more sour as I watched the massive building,I let out a soft sigh and made my way to the third floor.I bowed at some staff that were walking on the narrow corridor.I didn't go to BTS' practice room because,I just couldn't face Jimin and Jungkook.

Quickly,I went into Uncle Bang's office before any BTS members could've see me.I sat on a soft cushioned chair while Uncle Bang sat on his office chair.As I was about to unlock my iPhone,Uncle Bang questioned,"Why aren't you with BTS?" "I'm feeling a little bit sick,"I said while I faked coughed,I lied."Oh,do you want to go home?"he asked worriedly.I shook my head nervously and then unlocked my phone.

After a while,Uncle Bang went out the office because of some urgent work.I sat there staring at the curved ceiling,I was extremely bored but suddenly the door opened.Behind the door was Namjoon."Oh no!"I thought to myself."Oh Kristin,I didn't know that you were here,have you seen Mr.Bang?"he asked.I shook my head negatively and waited for Namjoon to leave.He then asked why I was here alone and if I wanted to hang out with BTS.My brain kept telling me no,I wanted to 'turn him down' but I couldn't,he asked so kindly.I nodded and we made our way to the practice room.He opened the door for me and then went to find Mr.Bang.

As I walked into the chilly room,Jimin called out to me exitedly.He ran up to me and gave me a long,tight hug,I was shocked."How are you,did you decide yet?"Jimin whispered softly into my left ear.It sent 'cold chills down my spine',he finally broke the hug.I told him to give me more time,I terribly lied.I already decided to 'turn him down' but I didn't know how to do it without breaking his precious heart."Hey."Jungkook said while staring at me.Immediately,it brought back memories of what he did to me yesterday. I replied with a 'hi' while smiling shyly.Hoseok offered me a seat and when I sat,Seokjin questioned me.

"Why do you look so blue today."I told him that I was feeling ill,I lied again.Unexpectedly he told some dad jokes,it made me laugh crazily."I knew it'd make you laugh!"he laughed uncontrollably."That really cheered me up!" I told him while giving him a bright smile.

It was around 12 midday when a staff came into the room with amazing smelling food.Everyone eyes' widened as she put the delectable food on the rectangular table."Are you hungry?"Jimin asked as he was taking out his share of the food.He offered me half of his mouth-watering food.I denied it he forced me to eat some of it.I wasn't hungry but I pretended that I was happy while eating it."Tasty food."I said,everyone nodded in agreement.Not too long after filling my stomach,I excused myself and went to the bathroom.Little did I know,Jungkook followed me.

I went to the clean bathroom and did my business.I came out and washed my hands with a sweet smelling soap from the dispenser.I washed then dried my face while looking into the wide mirror when I saw a figure in the reflection of the mirror with his back faced to me.It looked like a man since his hair was short.I slowly made my way out of the bathroom when someone grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me further down the long hall.I was 'shaking like a leaf'.

I was about to scream when the unknown person quickly covered my mouth."Shh."a deep,familiar voice whispered."What are you doing?!"I whispered in fear.I looked up and saw Jungkook."I'm sorry about yesterday."he said.

Jimin POV
I was so worried when Kristin didn't come back,it had been fine minutes already.I excused myself and made my way to the female washroom.Female staff looked at me crazily but I knew what I went there for.As I was walking to that direction,the corner of my eyes spotted something disturbing.
End of Jimin's POV

Jungkook looked me straight into the eyes,I read his eyes,it was filled with love and sadness.Abruptly,someone roughly took Jungkook's hand off my wrist."WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HER?!"Jimin questioned angrily.Jungkook gave him a death glare before storming off.Jimin enquired what he had done to me."Nothing,you just misunderstood him."I said bravely.Jimin sighed and then we went back to the practice room.

"Are you guys okay?"Yoongi laughed."We're fine."I said sadly.Jimin watched me worriedly and mouthed a 'you're not'.The door unexpectedly opened revealing Namjoon.He spoke,"Mr.Bang wants to see everyone except Jungkook and Jimin."Everyone except Jimin and Jungkook went to Uncle's office while Jimin,Jungkook and I were in the room.It was filled with pure silence,I decided to break the silence by speaking."Jungkook,Jimin,"what's going on between you two,you guys aren't talking at all?"I asked in a concerned voice.

They looked at me in sync."Is it because of the fight you had over me,please I don't want to see you guys like this."I said worriedly as I looked at the tiled floor."What are you talking about?."Jimin said as he lifted my chin up."No lies please,I overheard your argument."I said."It's true,we fought over you,I don't know why I did knowing you'll be Jimin's anyways."Jungkook sternly said."Listen,I'm really confused okay and stressed too!"I yelled as tears filled my eyes."I just want you guys to talk to each other again,it's all my fault."I said as tears streamed down my face."No,it's not your fault,but mine."they said in sync."I don't know why we fought being a 100% honest."Jimin said as he hit Jungkook on the back playfully.I could've tell that Jungkook faked a smile and nodded.I wiped my tears and asked if they were good now and Jimin nodded in agreement,Jungkook didn't,he just faked a smile."What's wrong with him?"

I sighed to myself.It was approaching the end of the day,it was time to leave for home.I didn't want to,I was actually happy I came,confusing right?I told them I was leaving and waved them goodbye,I then walked out of the room and stood in front of Uncle Bang's office,waiting for him patiently.He finally came out,followed by the remaining BTS members.My mother then stood next to me and we waited for Uncle Bang to finish some unfinished business.

After he was done,we went to the car and drove to his house.I made my way upstairs and into my room,took a fast shower then head back downstairs for dinner.Quickly I gobbled down my dinner and wished my mum and Uncle a good night.As I walked into my room I immediately threw my sleepy self onto my bed,I just wanted some rest,it was a long,tiring day.Before I fell asleep I looked at the nicely designed ceiling and did a recap on my day.I was still confused by Jungkook's weird behavior and well everything in general.I couldn't piece anything together.I still had to answer Jimin's question,suddenly I remembered that I was starting college in two days,sigh.My eyes then closed on me.

Jungkook POV
I laid in my bed after a long day.I was really angry for some reason,I didn't know why.Jimin and I made up but I still don't know why I'm not talking to him like I used to.It's just that I can't see Kristin being taken by someone else...I really love her...if only she knew it...I'm trying to stop loving her because Jimin loves her too and she looks like she's interested plus,she's my manager's niece.Sigh.
End of Jungkook's POV

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