Unknown Calls?

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Today Jungkook had to go to work,they had to practice for their long awaited comeback.They would have two weeks vacation in a few days.I knew when Jungkook got off the bed,I could feel his presence and his absence.He planted a kiss on my forehead,I opened my eyes and pulled him closer to me,his face was a few inches away from mine."Don't go."I begged."Awe,look who's begging for me not to go to work and yesterday they wanted me to go to work!"Jungkook laughed."Please."I  continued begging."I'll come home early today,I promise."he smiled."I'll see you guys later,take care!"he said as he kissed my stomach and headed out the door."Promise?!"I yelled at the top of my lungs."I promise!"he yelled loudly from downstairs.I turned on the television and watched some Kdramas for a little while.After,I took a shower and changed my clothing.Then I called Jungkook,I missed him already,he answered 'in no time'.

*On the phone*
Jungkook:Are you okay? What's wrong?!
Me: Nothing,I just miss you.
Jungkook:I left home 10 minutes ago!
Me:Oh,it seemed like forever.Reach to work safe!
Jungkook:*laughs*Okay,call my if you need anything,bye!
*End of call*

I was so bored,I sat on my bed eating dark chocolate while starting blankly at the television."What would life be without Jungkook?!"I laughed to myself.That thought quickly left my brain as my phone started ringing.I looked at the caller ID,I thought it was Jungkook,it wasn't.I hesitated to answer the unknown number but answered it anyway.I slid the 'accept call button' and put the phone by my right ear.

*On the phone*
Anonymous: H-happy?
Me:Hello?Who is this?
Me:I think you have the wrong number.
*End of call*

I hanged up the phone,I couldn't hear the person properly.I couldn't tell if it was a male or female.I slipped the thought out of my head and continued eating my bar of chocolate.I continued watching television.A few minutes later,my phone started ringing again."Ugh,who keeps bothering me!"I thought to myself.I checked the caller ID,it was another anonymous number,I sighed and answered it.

*On the phone*
Unknown person:H-happiness doesn't l-last forever.
Me:What?!Hello?! Hello?!
*End of call*

Kristin's POV
Who was that?!Is that the same person who called me a few minutes ago?! What does that person want?!I heard them say something about my happiness,what does that mean?!I'm starting to get afraid...
End of Kristin's POV

I decided to call Jungkook.I dialed his number and was about to press the 'call button',I hesitated."I'll be bothering him,he'll be worried about me,I can't tell him anything,I'll just keep my mouth shut."I mumbled to myself.I inhaled deeply and took off the television."He would come home soon anyway."I said to myself.I went downstairs and into the kitchen for some food,I was 'hungry like a dog'.I looked for the lunch that the maids prepared for me.Then,I saw a plate that was covered with a kitchen cloth,it had a note on top of it.Me being a curious person,opened the note and read it.The name tag read,to:Kristy,from:Kookie."It's for me!"I shouted excitedly.The note read,"Baby,I made this is for you,eat well and take care of yourself,I love you!" "Awe!"I thought to myself.I uncovered the plate and the smell of egg fried rice filled the air."My boy can cook!"I laughed to myself.I grabbed a fork and headed upstairs with the plate of food.While I was enjoying my lunch,I heard a car pulling up in the garage.I opened my window and peeked outside to see who it was."He's home already?!"I said as I closed the window and ran to the garage."Baby!"he yelled as he saw me running to his direction.I hugged him so tight,I didn't want to let go."It's like you haven't seen me in years!"he laughed."I missed you."we said in sync.We then headed upstairs and into me room.I sat on my soft bed and resumed eating."This is beyond amazing!"I said while I shoved a spoon of rice down my throat."Thank you,I'm beyond amazing too."he smirked.I laughed and fed him a spoon of rice."I've been getting so many call today from unknown numbers!"he laughed."Unknown numbers?!"I said to myself,the same has been happening to me."Whatever,they probably dialed the wrong number."Jungkook sighed."Is that the same person who has been calling me?!"I thought to myself."But who can that be?!"I questioned my bewildered self."Everything okay?"Jungkook enquired while waving his hands in front of my face to get my attention."Hm,yeah."I said while snapping back into reality."Don't worry,it's not good for your health,I'm sure the person dialed the wrong number."he said as he ruffled my hair.I faked a smile and hugged him,"Would you always protect me?"I asked.Jungkook looked at me with a disappointed look on his face,"I'm tired of telling you this but I'll tell you it again,Kim Kristin,I love you with all my life,my heart,my soul,my everything,belongs to you and you only."he smiled."I will always protect and love you Kristin."he continued as he held my hand.I could feel my eyes filling up with tears,I couldn't hide them,they gently streamed down my face."Haha,look baby,your mum's getting emotional!"Jungkook said as he laughed at me."Yah!"I hit him playfully."But really,I'll always believe you,trust you and love you."he smiled.That's all I needed to hear,it made my whole week."Aren't you gonna say anything nice back to me?"he laughed."Awe,I love you too!"I laughed.He then broke the hug which we've been in for about 5 minutes.He left my room and went into his.

Jungkook's POV
I've been waiting all day to see this angel,I better change fast,I don't wanna keep her waiting.I put on a white t-shirt and black,ripped jeans.Suddenly,my phone rang,I let out a loud sigh,I looked at the caller ID,it read 'unknown number',I expected that.I answered the phone and put it by my ear.

*On the phone*
Me:I think you have the wrong number!
Unknown person:N-no I d-don't,Jeon J-jungkook right?
Unknown person:S-stop lying.You'll regret it,I-im back.
*End of call*

The person hanged up the call.The way they said my name sounded so familiar.Who is that?!What do they want?!Anytime they called me,they would always stutter and say that they're back.Who is that?! Who is back?!That voice,it sounded so familiar,is it who I think it is?!...
End of Jungkook's POV

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