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Jungkook's POV
The bullet hit my mother in the chest,she immediately fell to the ground.Blood uncontrollably oozed out her chest,it soon became a pool of blood.In the camera recording,I watched Kristin fiercely,my eyes filled with disappointment and rage.I rewatched the video again...I 'couldn't believe my eyes'.I was wrong...There was more to this story...


I rewatched the video many times,these times,more careful.I misunderstood it all...It was a mistake...a very big mistake...Kara made that mistake.It was all Kara's doing,all her doing!I can't believe it...I put Kristin in jail without knowing the full story.I just saw the ending part.Infact,Kristin tried to avoid Kara from killing me.It was too late,Kara pulled the trigger and shoved it into Kristin's hands,I wasn't the one injured but my mother was.I should've let her explain.I should've expected something like this to happen,Kara kept calling me and giving me warnings,I didn't get it though.

Kristin did all this for me and what did I did?! I put her in jail,I misunderstood her,I said I hated her,I said I regretted meeting her,I left her alone...F*CK!I slammed my fists on the glass table and tears of anger escaped my eyes.WHAT THE F*CK DID I DO?!!! The other members who were helping me evacuate the house came upstairs to see what happened to me."Jungkook what's wrong?!"Jin hyung shouted in concern.I ran my hands roughly through my hair and got up.I pushed Jin hyung out of my way and ran downstairs.God knows what kind of condition my baby is in!

I shoved my hands in my jeans pocket and took out my car keys.I dashed to my car and drove as fast as I could to the police station Kristin was in.You did a great job Jungkook,great job! 'In no time',I arrived at the station.I rushed into the building,"Can I meet Kim Kristin please,right now it's urgent!"I asked an officer."Visiting hours are over sir."he responded."You don't understand,I need to meet her right now!"I yelled while pulling the middle aged man by his collar."Where's the money?"he smirked."Where's Kristin's cell?!"I snapped.He rolled his eyes and searched for her name in a book."I'm sorry sir but she got bail by someone named Park Jimin."he informed."What?!"I shouted.

'Faster than the speed of lightening',I ran out of the police station and into my car.I sped off,my destination,BTS' dorm.Finally,I arrived."Park Jimin!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.I made my way to his room and banged loudly on his wooden bedroom door."Jimin hyung!"I shouted louder than before.After a few minutes of banging,he finally opened the door.I grabbed his shirt collar tightly and threw him into the room.

"Where is Kristin?!"I yelled.Anger filled my burning eyes as Jimin hyung started to laugh devilishly."HYUNG WHERE THE F- before I could've finish my sentence,he yelled,"Oh,now you are concerned,she's in jail where you put her!" "Stop lying to me,I just checked,the officers said you got her bailed out,where the hell is Kristin?!"I shouted in anger."Yes I got her bail,poor girl,I actually care about her unlike her 'boyfriend'!"he laughed."WHERE THE HELL IS SHE,WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!"I yelled as my fists hit his face,giving him a painful punch.He laughed and wiped the blood that gripped down this mouth."She's safe,she's happy,I did nothing but give her happiness."he smirked."What in the world do you mean?!"I asked in confusion."I want to meet and apologise to her,I found out the truth!"I informed him."Wow,you wanna meet her and give her more pain,SHE HATES YOU JUNGKOOK,LEAVE HER ALONE,YOU DID NOTHING BUT BREAK HER HEART,SHE THOUGHT YOU TRUSTED AND LOVED HER!"he yelled."I DO LOVE AND TRUST HER,I REGRET EVERYTHING HYUNG,I WANNA MEET HER AND EXPLAIN!"I cried."Haha,the lies is what hurt her,she's better off without you!"he laughed.

Pain,it pained me to know that she hated me,I expected it though.I didn't care,all I wanted her to know was that I love her very much and that I was sorry for all the crap I did.I don't know where my baby was,I don't know her condition.I needed her,I missed her,I missed everything about her.God knows what hyung did to her,after all,he still had feelings for her.I was shocked that Anisa teamed up with Kara and did such a distasteful act.

"You wanna know the truth?!"he yelled."I was there when that incident happened,I saw it all,I was there for Kristin,I was the only one who knew the truth,I am her only supporter,that's why I got her out of jail,I paid thousands of dollars!"he exclaimed.My eyes widened in shock after hearing those words come out of his mouth,this is what he hid from me.I wiped my tears and went on my knees,I put my hands together and begged,"Hyung,I'm so sorry,I didn't know anything,please forgive me hyung,please let me meet Kristin, please!" I couldn't hold back my tears,they rolled down my cheeks,so many tears..."Cry all you want,I don't want her to get hurt,leave her alone,I won't let you meet her,I told you you'd regret your decision!"he laughed."Hyung,please!"I continued begging."Don't 'hyung' me,I had enough,get out."he coldly replied.I was about to speak again but he did before me,"I SAID GET OUT!"he shouted.

He pushed me away from him,I was forced to leave.I rushed to my room and slammed the door behind me."YOU F*CKED UP JUNGKOOK,YOU F*CKED UP!"I shouted as I roughly ran my fingers through my hair.I didn't deserve a kind soul like her anyway,she deserves someone better.I lost the most important people in my life,my mother and my baby...Kara will surely pay for what she did, she'll suffer in hell!
End of Jungkook's POV

Author's POV
Rage was what Jungkook's eyes screamed.In frustration,he pulled off the white bedsheets off his bed,he pulled his hair tightly.He regretted all he had done,he kept yelling,'why?!'. Words couldn't describe the anger and pain he felt inside,it hurt,it really did.Not knowing where your loved one is,not knowing her condition,where she sleeps when the night comes,what she eats...

The fact that he put Kristin in jail himself hurt him.He questioned what kind of boyfriend he was and what kind of father he will be.Will he ever get to meet his child?! He was sure that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for what had he done.

Yes,he's crazy over this girl,she's his life."Why do you love me?"he cried."I gave you nothing than pain and a reason to hate me!"he shouted.





Was all he wanted to give Kristin.Will they ever meet again?! Would they forgive each other?! We couldn't tell what the future would hold for these two.Jungkook threw everything that  was close to him on the ground.No one would understand how he felt,no one...
End of Author's POV

Jimin's POV
I'm so happy Jungkook finally found out the truth but,he wants to meet her.I told him no,God knows why.I lied,Kristin did not hate Jungkook,she loved him with all her life.I lied because I'm afraid Jungkook will hurt her again.I know when Jungkook finds his mistake he does his best not to let it happen again but...I'm scared...scared for Kristin.I don't know why! I don't wanna ever see her hurt again,I...I her...I don't know what's going on with me,I know she'll never love me back but...ugh...I still loved Anisa despite of what she did...I was crazy.I couldn't think properly,I don't know what I was doing these days.One thing for sure since that I'm not gonna tell Kristin anything that happened today,she'll be worried.I won't let Jungkook meet her either,I'll keep it all a secret...
End of Jimin's POV

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