New Day,New Events,New People

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"We're ready to head home!"Uncle Bang yelled from outside.Jungkook then let go of my face and changed his clothing in the changing room.I went outside before him so that no one would get suspicious if I came out with him.After he was done,we all made our way into the cars.This time,Jungkook sat between Jimin and I so he could he sit closer to me.

During the car ride Jungkook kept smiling at me,I blushed and smiled back sweetly.Finally,we made it home.Jungkook and I went to our rooms and changed into comfortable clothing.Immediately after I finished changed,I unlocked my phone and checked the time.It was almost 6 p.m so I went downstairs for dinner.Everyone was already seated at the table,I quickly sat next to the empty seat beside Jungkook.The amazing aroma of the mouth-watering food filled the air as it was being distributed to us.We sat in silence and ate hungrily.

Someone suddenly intertwined his right hand with my left hand,I knew it was Jungkook.I looked up and saw a smiling Jungkook,his eyes focused on mine.I looked back into his sparkling eyes but soon realized that we were holding hands in front of people.Even though we were holding hands underneath the table where no one could've seen it only if they looked under the table,I didn't want to risk anything.I quickly let loose of his hand even though I didn't want to,I wanted to hold his hands forever.He mouthed a 'I'm sorry',I just smiled and nodded.

Uncle Bang then spoke,"Kristin don't forget to get up extra early tomorrow, you'll go to 'XXXXX' college from tomorrow." I totally forget that,there was no space in my mind for it since it was filled with confusion,but there'll no longer be.I nodded and finished my delicious dinner.

"Also,who's birthday is a few days away?"Uncle Bang said excitedly."Mine!"Jungkook and I exclaimed happily."What?!"we said in sync while looking at each other in confusion."When is your birthday?"we asked at the same time."September 1st and you?"we said together.We looked at each other with a shocked face."Oh,so we'll be celebrating two birthdays this year!"my mum said excitedly,Jungkook and I nodded shyly.I wished everyone a good night and went upstairs,I could've tell that Jungkook was walking swiftly behind me,I could've seen his shadow.

"Wait up!"he yelled to me.I fastened my pace until he caught up to me and grabbed my hand."Why did you leave me!"he faked cried.I laughed because of how cute he looked and shrugged my shoulders.He gave me a quick peck on the lips and stopped when I shouted at him."Who do you feel you are,you're acting like if we're a couple!"I yelled,I lied,I actually liked it.

"Oh don't worry my love,soon."he said then entered his room.I rolled my eyes and fell onto my bed as I entered my room,I smiled happily.Tomorrow was the day that I was gonna start a new college,I was really excited but that wasn't the reason why I was smiling like crazy.I was about to take my lights off when my phone started ringing,I didn't want to answer it but I immediately did so once I saw who was calling me.

*On the phone*
Me:What do you want?!
Jungkook:I miss youuuu.
Me:Jungkook I have no time for this I need to go to bed I have school tomorrow.
Jungkook:Ugh,why!I wanted to ask you something.*he fake cried*
Me:You can ask me now.
Jungkook:No,it's something special.
Jungkook:Goodnight my love.
Me: I'm not you're love! *laughs*
Jungkook: You'll soon become it.
*End of call*

I was confused by his last words but I 'let it slide' and fell asleep.

*Time skip,5:45 a.m*
I woke up to my annoying alarm,I loudly sighed and headed to the bathroom and did the usual morning stuff.I wore my uniform and put my hair into a tight ponytail.Then,I threw my polka dot backpack onto my back and went to the kitchen.I grabbed a granola bar to eat on the way and sat in the car.In less than 30 minutes,I arrived at the tall building.My bodyguards helped me safely crossed the streets and ensured I entered the building.

As I walked into the school,I saw a lot of students hanging out in the hallway.When I was walking through the hallway,a girl's books accidentally fell as she was trying to open her nicely decorated locker.I bent down and helped her pick them up."Thank you."she smiled."My pleasure,what's your name."I smiled back."

"My name is Park Anisa,nice to meet you."she bowed.I replied with my name when the bell rang."I'm new here could you please show me around?"I asked the girl with the bangs that was neatly combed to the side.She nodded and we made our way to class,luckily we were in the same class.After the assembly,we made our way to History class,I was thankful that we had the same classes.

A few hours later,after a few classes,it was lunch.Anisa and I went to buy lunch in the cafeteria.We bought food and sat at a random table.While eating we asked each other questions,to get to know each other more."Do you know BTS,the Kpop boyband perhaps?"she asked.When I heard 'BTS',my eyes quickly lit up,I thought about Jungkook,I haven't seen him for the day,I miss him.

"OMG YES!"I replied.We both started fangirling over them."Who's you bias?"she questioned."Jungkook."I said while giving her a big smile.Events with Jungkook and I swiftly filled my head.Her bias was Jungkook as well,we talked about them the entire lunch break until the bell rang,she's a big fan of them."Don't you just wish you can meet and marry your bias someday?"she questioned curiously."Y-yeah,l-let's head to class."I stuttered,I didn't know why.

We head to class and after 3 more classes school was dismissed.Before I left school,Anisa and I exchanged phone numbers.I left school and arrived home.I went straight to my room and locked my doors and windows,I was home alone with the maids and bodyguards.Suddenly,I got a phone call from an unknown number.I hesitated to answer it but something just told me to answer it.

*On the phone*
???:Hey my love how was school?
Me: Jungkook?
???:Yes? Or yeah,it's me.I didn't call from my phone because we're busy but when I saw the time and I knew you'd be home already so I sneaked into your Uncle's office and stole a phone call.
Me:Are you crazy?! Get back to work!
Jungkook:Yes,I'm crazy in love with you.Now answer my question fast before anyone comes,I just wanted to make sure you're okay,you know what happened last time.
Me:Yes,school was okay,thanks for asking.
Jungkook:,Yeah I gotta go now,love youuuu.
*End of call*

I'm so happy I answered the call.Awe, he's so sweet for asking about my day!I can't wait till he gets home,I'm desperate to see him...He makes me laugh and smile so much.

I spent my evening watching Kdramas,I was bored.I checked the time,it was 5:30 p.m,I was impatiently waiting for Jungkook to come home.Unexpectedly,I heard the sound of a car being parked.I ran downstairs as 'fast as my short legs could have carried me' and went to the garage. I smiled as I saw Jungkook getting out of the car,he smiled back,my heart felt at ease."I've missed you guys,I was so bored home!"I complained.Everyone laughed and headed upstairs and into their rooms.

Jungkook and I walked up the stairs and into the hallway where our rooms were.His long hands wrapped around my thin body as he embraced me into a warm hug.As I walked backwards,he walked forward,until my back touched the wall."I missed you."he whispered while pressing his forehead onto mine.It sent chills all over my body."I missed you too."I whispered back.I didn't care who was watching us,I felt happy,safe and loved and that's all I cared about at that point in time.

Some may call me selfish but it didn't matter to me at that time.I eventually broke the tight hug,even though I didn't want to and then we went to freshen up.After I took a shower, Jungkook and I went downstairs for dinner.After eating,I wished everyone a goodnight and went to my room.Jungkook told me good night before going into his room,it made my day.I happily went into my room.I was surprised Jungkook didn't call me,he finally learnt his lesson! I went to sleep and looked forward to what tomorrow will bring me.

Jungkook's POV
I felt so happy when I finally came home and saw her.I missed her so much.I didn't call her after we went to our rooms because I wanted to show her that I can listen.I was extremely excited for tomorrow evening,when she comes home, I'm gonna ask her something that'll change her life.
End of Jungkook's POV

Why Do You Love Me?•Jeon Jungkook (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ