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I groaned as my coach told me to put on my lacrosse gear. "Come on Y/n.. You're the best goalie I got!" She said making me groan. "Fine.." I walked up from the lower field and onto the bench. I got the bag where my gear is and dragged it up the field.

I sat on the bench and started to put my gear on. "You got this Y/n!" I looked up to see my best friend who was on the track team. "Thanks Johnny!" I gave him a thumbs up making him smile. "Also your little crush.. is also on the track team" He said making me jump up from my seat. "WHAT!" I yelled making him laugh.

"Yep.. He's running towards us now.. Good luck" He winked at me one last time before running again before his coach yell at him. I took off my jersey to put on my chest protecter right when he walked by. Right when I was about to put it on my jersey went flying towards him.

"N-no!" I yelled as I tried to chase after it but someone already caught it. "Thank you" I bowed at the person. "It's fine.." I looked up to see Seungmin.. smiling kindly at me. I quickly grabbed my jersey and was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"Wait! What's your name?" He spun me around making me blush. "I-i'm Y/n.." I stuttered making him smile. "I'm Seungmin" He showed me his eye smile making me want to melt. "W-well it was nice meeting you but.." I said as I tried to avoid this situation before I embarrass myself.

"O-oh you have a lacrosse game today?" He pointed at the jersey that was in my hands. "Ya.." I said and before he could open his mouth someone wrapped their arms around my shoulders. "Hey Y/n.." I looked up to see Johnny who was panting.. "Hey Johnny" I said as I suddenly felt calm because he was there in case I embarrass myself.

"Hey Seungmin.." He greeted making him smile. "Hello.. Johnny" He gritted his teeth as he kept eyeing Johnny's arm that was around my shoulders. "Well I gotta go now.. Gotta warm up" I said as I gently took off Johnny's arm and went back to my bench. After putting on my knee pads, chest protecter, pants, shin guards and finally my helmet. I was finally all geared up.

"Good luck at your game Y/n!" My friend yelled as she ran past me. "THANKS!" I yelled as I went into my goal ready to be warmed up. "Ok.. Y/n ready?" My coach asked me making me nod my head. "Ok good.. let's start" She picked up the yellow ball in her stick and shot it at me.

It was at my right corner so it was easy for me to get. "Good.." She said as I caught it and passed it back to her. After doing some more shots on me, it was time for stick check. All of my team formed a line and waited as the referee check our sticks to make sure that they were legal.

"Ok thank you.." He finally said and it was my turn. "Hello goalie" He greeted making me smile. "Hello" I said through my mouthguard. "Alrighty you're all good" He gave me back my goalie stick. "Thanks" i said quickly as I ran back into my goal and trying to get some clears before it's time to play.

"Ready goalie?" The referee said making me show my thumb because I cant yell that far. He nodded as we started the lacrosse game. After it was done.. the score was 12 to 3. "AYE! Y/N!" My whole entire team came running towards me and hitting their stick on my helmet. "GOOD JOB Y/N! YOU ONLY GOT SCORED ON 3 TIMES!" My team yelled making me giggle. "Thanks guys.."

I quickly took off my gloves, my mouthguard, and my helmet and went into a line for us to say good game. And being the goalie you're in the line first. "Good game.." I said as I high fives the other team. But while I was touching their hands one of the girls suddenly slapped my face.

My anger rose up as everyone froze by her actions. "Aye watch it!" I said as I held my right cheek. "You watch it!" She spat out making me want to punch her. "You're gonna regret that..." I muttered as I attacked her and tackling her to the ground.

The crowd gasp as I was about to punch her but someone grabbed my waist and led me out of the lines. "Hey.. it's ok" I looked up to see Seungmin who was really sweaty and his red locks were sticking to his forehead.

"B-b-but she sl-slapped me" I pointed at the girl who was sitting on the turf as her coaches where checking her wrist or whatever. "I know but you can't just tackle her" He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Still.." I pouted making him chuckle.

"How about after my practice is over.. we'll have dinner together?" He said as he pointed to the track and where he was practicing. "Sure but after both of us shower right?" I chuckled making him scratch the back of his neck. "Ya.. that's fine" He smiled making my heart beat faster.

"Ok then.. i'll see you tonight?" I asked as all of my team started to pack up. "Ya and umm can i get your number?" He said making me chuckle.. "Ya.." We exchanged numbers and parted ways. "I can't wait for that dinner date.." 

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