Jeongin pt.1

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"Mommy?" You felt a little tug on your sweatshirt. You immeaditly looked down and smiled. Your five year old son jumping up and down by your side. "Yes?" You bent down towards his level and smiled. "I w-wanna trick or treat" He showed you his smile making you awe in cuteness. "Ok fine.. let's ask daddy if he wants to join!" You softy placed your palm onto his cheek. He nodded cutely as he doggy paddled towards your husband, who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Daddy!" Your son happily jumped onto your husband's arms. Giggling, your son happily poked your husband's dimples. "Yes Daejun?" "Daejunnie want's daddy to go trick or treating with him" You said in a baby voice as you can feel that your husband Jeongin was dying of cuteness. "Yeah! Pwease daddy?" Daejun made puppy eyes knowing that his dad can't resist his charms. "Fine..." Jeongin groaned as his plans with you for the evening was ruined by getting some damn candy.

"Yay! Thanks daddy!" Your son kissed his cheek before scrambling off the couch and into his room getting ready. You chuckled lightly as you slowly made yourself comfortable in his arms. "I don't want to go trick or treating.." Jeongin thrown his head back onto the couch cushion making you laugh. "Stop being so over dramatic.. it'll be only one hour" You laid against his chest hearing his calm heartbeat.

"I know but I want to spend that one hour with you" Jeongin placed his index finger under your chin, pulling your lips to meet his. Your cheeks flushed as always. You never know why you still do since you have been together with your husband for over 3 years. "Mommy daddy let's go!" You looked down at your first to see your son dressed up as batman, holding his bucket. "Alrightly let's go.." Jeongin playfully pushed you off of him and grabbing your son's hand guiding him towards the door.

You rolled your eyes playfully as you walked towards your mini table near the front door where you put all of your wallets and keys. You scoffed as you saw that Jeongin forgot to bring his wallet, keys, and his jacket. You shoved both of your phones into your pocket and his wallet. You slipped on your jacket and walked out of the door.

You looked around to see your son was already at his first house trick or treating. You walked over to the house next door and stood only a few feet away from both of them. You quickly took out your phone and snapping a quick photo of both of your favorite people in the world. Jeongin squatted down on getting to Daejun's level and eyeing his son down as he was getting a few pieces of candy from the candy bowl.

"Alrighty that's enough boy.." Jeongin dragged Daejun away from the lovely old couple with the candy bowl. The coupled chuckled at the sight of Jeongin struggling his ass off trying to drag his son away from the big batch of candy. "Bu-but I want more!" Daejun pointed at the bowl as he was whining. "There's a bunch of other houses with candy ok? Come on now" Jeongin gave him a little push off of the house's property making you giggle.

"Need help there?" You shoved your phone back into your pocket. "No.. Not anymore" Jeongin pinched Daejun's cheeks earning a giggle coming from him. "Come on let's go to a few more houses before it gets too late" You enveloped your hand over your husband's and Jeongin holding your son's hand. "Let's go this one right here!" Jeongin excitedly pointed to the house with a bunch of halloween decoration on it. "This house look oddly familiar" You muttered under breath.

"Ok!" Your son quickly wobbled his tiny legs towards the house making you both follow him. "Trick or treat!" Daejun ranged the doorbell as he lightly looked around the spooky looking area. The door opened to reveal your ex boyfriend Jun.

"Hey.." His eyes quickly darted over to yours as you could tell that he was so shook that he almost dropped his bowl of candy. "Hey Jun.." You awkwardly shifted in your place. "Long time no see huh?" He chuckled bitterly making you want to look anyway but him. "Yeah..." You finished as you could tell that his eyes were eyeing down your body for a good 30 seconds. "Come on Daejun let's go home with mommy and daddy ok?" Jeongin glared at Jun before dragging Daejun by his side.

You could see the disappointment and shocked look in Jun's eyes. "Oh.. That's your son?" He pointed to the little fella down at your feet earning a nod from you. "Yup.. And this is my husband Jeongin.." You motioned both of them to shake hands. They slowly took each other's hand and kindly greeted each other. "So what are you doing here in this neighborhood? I thought you were with your bandmates." You asked as you were actually curious about his life. Not like you cared or anything but you actually kind of wondered where he disappeared to.

Jun was your beloved boyfriend. You loved everything about him. To his fluffy jet black hair, huge brown orbs, and even his wonderful soothing voice. Everything went down hill ever since he left you to become an idol.

"Yeah.. We got a break so I decided to come back to our old house and pass out candy" He smiled sadly as he remembered when you agreed to move in with him. You guys had your whole life planned out. To how many kids you guys were looking for and also marriage was a huge topic between the two of you. But you guess everything doesn't go as plan..

"Come on Y/n.. Daejunie is getting bored over here" Jeongin interrupted your mini conversation making you both snap back into reality. "Ok.. It was nice meeting you again Jun" Shivers ran down your spine as the three letter flew out of your mouth. "Yea..." His voice went off in the distance as you were ready to turn your heels ready to leave.

"Wait!" He called for you as you turned back in curiosity. "Wanna exchange numbers and maybe we can keep in contact?" Before you could answer you once again felt a tug on your jacket. "Mommy... Let's go, I'm getting bored" Daejun pouted as he lightly tapped his tiny feet on the ground. "Sorry Jun.. I got to go.. This little guy wants to leave" You thanked your wonderful son inside your brain for saving you from sticky situation. Before words can come out of his mouth you pulled your son away from him and down the driveway.

"What took you so long huh?" Jeongin stood near the mailbox as he was impatiently beating his foot against the concrete. "Sorry Jeonginie.. We were just talking" You smiled lightly as you grabbed his hands. You felt a kiss on your cheek and you smiled as you knew Jeongin couldn't be mad at you for more than 3 seconds.

"It's getting dark now, so how about we go to 2 more houses and head home ok?" Daejun nodded excitedly as he grabbed your free hand and dragging you to the next house. You laughed as Jeongin jolted forward trying to regain his balance.

You three had fun. Going to each house and getting free candy when you know that you won't let your son consume because sugar is not good for you. It can lead to different types of diseases my friends. but anyway....... while you were having that fun, you and your wonderful, talented, handsome looking husband didn't notice that there was a person watching from afar and planning something only the most malign people would ever think of.'


part two coming soon.. i know it's not halloween anymore but whatever. check out my new book it's called smoke. apologizing for the lack of updating.. just school is a pain in the ass sometimes and i'm in a crisis of grades. might go on a hiatus but we'll see. ily so much, have a good day/night

*hint, hint* 

*hint, hint* 

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