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You groaned as your long distance boyfriend, Minho didn't pick up your FaceTime call. Pouting you shut off your laptop and did your daily night routine. You fell backwards onto your bed and sighed in discomfort. "It's been a couple of days since he hasn't answered my calls... I wonder why" You thought and your phone rang making you bolt up from your bed..

You looked on the caller id, you saw Minho with a bunch of heartily emojis making you smile. Without any hesitation you picked up the phone with a happy tone. "Hello?" You asked but you couldn't hear anything.. All you heard was loud music in the background. And in your head you were pretty sure that Stray Kids were in a club together.

"Hello? Minho baby?" You said in a worried tone but then a voice called out to you. "Baby? Who the fuck is this?" You heard a females voice making your blood boil. "I'm Minho's girlfriend.. and why do you have his phone?!" You frustratedly yelled into the phone since there was loud music in the background and you knew that she wouldn't hear you if you spoke in an indoor voice.

"Girlfriend? Honey.. I'm his wife" She bragged making your heart instantly shatter into millions of pieces. "W-wife? H-how?" You stuttered as you bit you lower lip, restraining yourself from breaking down. "What do you mean how? It's very clear that he loves me more than you" She smacked her lips making you feel very annoyed by her attitude. "No.. Minho will never do this to me.. He loves me very much and I love him too" You tried to believe that he would never do this to you but boy.. you were wrong

"What do you mean honey? He loves me more, I mean duh because why would he marry me if he didn't love me" At this point you wanted to throw this girl a punch all the way to fucking Fiji. Before you can say anything back her ugly ass hung up the phone. A tear slipped onto your check but you quickly wiped it off. "No.. Minho would never do this to me right?" You rubbed your red nose and laid back down on your bed.

You heard a faint knock on your bedroom window making you instantly jump up from your bed and slowly made your way over. You opened it with a creak and as soon you were about to close it back up again.. A hand stopped you from closing it making you instantly scream in horror. "Am I gonna die today?! Are you a serial killer?" You yelled and it looked liked they were trying to get it.

Luckily you played baseball back in middle school so you had a bat. Ready to swing at the guy, he suddenly took off his hoodie and his mask. "Baby! It's me!" Minho, your boyfriend held up his hands making you instantly drop the weapon onto the ground. You stared at him for a bit..

You were used to him having light brown hair, with cute brown eyes.. The main reason why you loved him in the first place. But now he's completely changed. His brown hair was turned into jet black, his wonderful brown eyes was now also black, due to his contact lenses. You looked down at his neck and there was a small tattoo on the left side of his neck that had a rose wrapping around Roman numbers that you didn't understand. And finally there was a small bottom lip piercing that was a hoop on the right side of his mouth.

You were amazed on how he changed. Like you guys FaceTimed a few days ago and he was still the same Minho. But now it was a whole another level.. "M-Minho.. you look different" You stared at his new features making him chuckle. "Thanks baby.. " He was about to hug you but you quickly held his arms. He gave you a questioning look as you guided him to your bed.

"I heard you're married.. Are you cheating on me?" Your legs started to shake at the thought of him being married to another women making him start to fill panic. "Technically yes.. but heart no" He gently bit on the lip piercing as he fiddled with his fingers. "Get out..." You sternly pointed at your bedroom door sending shivers down Minho's back.

"Baby.. please listen to me" He went to grab your hands but you harshly slapped it away. "No Minho.. Please get out.." Tears fell down your cheeks rapidly as you saw Minho on his knees begging you to give him a chance to speak. "Please Y/n.. Let me explain, Don't look at me as a cheater because I certainly not" He begged in front of you making you finally calmed down.

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