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Before we start can I say that I absolutely LOVE teacher and student relationships? I have no idea why but I just do☺️ Anyway I was writing this chapter in China since I was bored during the 13 hour flight but now i'm back in america and i'm super jet lagged, but i hope you enjoy this chapter. 

*I also mixed up first person point of view and third point of view through out the story so I hope you still like it anyway* 


You banged your head against your wooden desk as Mr. Seo was passing out your final tests grades for the year. "What's wrong Y/n?" He tilted his head like a puppy making your face start to blush uncontrollably. With his cute glasses that match his face perfectly, his black curly locks that always bounce up as he takes the smallest steps around the classroom.

Just to make sure that it's not illegal.. He's only 3 years older than you and you're 19 so it's not that bad.. Seo Changbin has always been the heart throb of the collage even though he's a chemistry teacher. Everyone falls for his looks, and I mean come on... who doesn't? He's nice, has the looks, and can hella rap. So basically he's a whole package of a whole boyfriend. And to top off all of the shit you just said he's also your brothers best friend.. Lee Felix

"Here Y/n.. meet me after class would ya?" He slid the thick packet on to your desk. You sighed and nodded as you flipped the packet to see a big fat 40 on it. You rubbed your face with the palms of your hands as you regret watching all of those "NCT LIFE" episodes instead of studying. As class went on you were basically zoning out on the lesson as Mr. Seo explaining why chemistry is important for the reality of life.

Once class was over after a long 50 minutes of your life you were about to sprint your ass off out of the classroom until you remembers that you have to meet Mr. Seo after class. Huffing out a long breath of air you plopped back into your metal black chair and watched your other classmates pack their things to get ready for lunch since your classes start at 11. Thank god I signed up for that time because I'm not gonna wake up at 6 to go to class.. (puh-lease)

After everyone filed out of the class Mr. Seo casually walked over to you and kneeled down into a squatting position so he could face you because damn.. the dude was tall as a pine tree. "Look.. I know that instead of studying for my test you were watching a random kpop idol show" He started making your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. "H-how did you k-know?" You covered the half of your face of embarrassment making him chuckle in reply.

"You do know that your brother is my best friend right? And he tells me everything you know" He smugly smiles as he gently took my hand off of my face making my heart start to race. "How about we have some studying sessions at your house to make up for that grade as some extra credit ok?" He tucked in a stray strand of hair that was hanging loosely near your face and tucked it behind your ear.

Your eyes widen at the kind gesture making him instantly snap his hand back and quickly apologizing. You nodded understandably as you talked about the times of extra credit sessions. "How about at 4? And I'll head over to your house?" He suggested making you nod your head. "Sounds like a plan" You starts to pack your things that's was scattered all over your desk and shoved into your black backpack.

"Thanks Y/n" He stood up and suddenly hugged my waist making me jump in shock. You hesitantly hugged his neck making him smile behind your ear. It was weird to hug your teacher like this way. It wasn't like the normal half body hug but it was a full body one and weirdly it felt right to me. It felt like our body was perfectly molded together. I pulled away first and swung one backpack strap on my shoulder and bowed towards Seo and walked out casually and also completely ignoring the fuzziness feeling in the deep of my heart.

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