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A request for tsungari. Thanks for requesting and I kind of changed it up a bit and I hope you enjoy it! If you want to request for one just dm me or comment on my latest imagine. Have a good day/night! <3 

"Promise you'll come back?" I shed a few stray tears as I was standing right in front of security with Jeongin. "I promise Y/n.. I swear" He wiped off a tear that was on my cheek and smiled weakly. "Flight number 32 on the way to Japan is going to be boarding in 5 minutes.. I repeat flight 32 to Japan is boarding in 5 minutes.." The intercom announced making me want to cry more.

"Well.. that's my flight" Jeongin said sadly as he picked up his backpack that was from the ground. "Y-ya.." I sniffled as I wiped my red nose with the sleeves of my sweatshirt. "Here.." he took a neatly wrapped small box and gave it to me. "W-what is this?" I asked as I took the box from him.

"Just open it when you get home ok?" He ruffled my hair making me nod my head slowly.. "Ok.. Jeongin I will" I smiled at him as he caressed my cheek slowly. "Bye Y/n..." He hugged me one last time before going into security. "B-bye..." I weakly said as I waved at him from afar. I waited there as his small figure disappeared into the distance.

I sighed as I turned my heels and headed towards the exit ready to leave. I hopped in my car and headed straight home with the tiny box that he gave me. "Hey honey.. how was sending Jeongin off?" My mom asked me as I entered into the living room. "It was ok.." I smiled sadly as my mom frowned. "It's ok sweetie.. he's coming back, don't worry" She patted my head before I dashed to my room.

I jumped onto my bed and placed the box in front of me. I slowly unwrapped the wrapper and opened the box. I gasp as I saw a diamond heart necklace that as Jeongin and Y/n engraved on it. Tears started to swell up in my eyes as I read the note.

Hello Y/n.. I wanted to give this necklace to you because it represented our many years of friendship and my love for you. Please wear it and treasure it because it took me some time to save up money to buy that diamond necklace. I just wanted to say that thank you for being such an amazing best friend. Like I promised.. I will be back in a couple of years or more. Once I come back I better see you wear that necklace. Love ya~ Jeongin

I smiled at the note as I took the necklace into my hands. I admired it as I hooked it onto my neck. "It's beautiful.." Someone said making me jump from my place. I turned my head to see Hyunjin... My brother "I know right? it's gorgeous" I admired the necklace in the mirror one last before turning away from it and turning to Hyunjin. "Let me guess.. Jeongin gave it to you?" He jumped onto my bed and crossed his arms.

"Yea..." I sighed as I took the note and placed it onto my desk. "It's ok Y/n.. he's gonna come back" He said as he looked around my room to see pictures of Jeongin and I together. "Ya... I hope so" I sighed as I fell backwards onto my bed.


Ten years later....

I shivered as I tucked one hand into my sweatshirt pocket and the other holding a tray full of coffee. I started to pick up my pace as I saw JYP's entertainment building. Once I got to the front door, I entered the passcode and opened the door. "Hello Y/n.." The person at the front desk said as I bowed back in respect. "Hi Unnie" I smiled one last time before making my way to my brother's practice room.

"Hey guys! I got coffee" I declared making the 8 males jump in happiness. "Thanks Y/n.." Hyunjin made his way over to me and kissed my cheek. "You're welcome Hyunjin" I said as I passed out coffee to everyone. "Hey when are you going to take off that necklace?" Hyunjin said as he took the necklace into his big hands.

"Never... Well until Jeongin's coming back" I said making him sigh. "It's been ten years Y/n.. I don't think he'll come back" He said as he let go of the necklace. "NO! He said he'll come back.. He promised me" Tears started to brim in my eyes as the others where confused and sad at the same time. "What's wrong?" Chan came over and rubbed my back in comfort. "Nothing hyung.. it's just her old best friend left and hasn't came back in ten years" He briefly explained as he bit his nails thinking about something.

I finally calmed down and right when Chan was about to speak the practice room door was swung open to reveal Jyp oppa. "Good morning JYP oppa" I bowed at him making him smile in response. "Good morning.. I just came by to say that we have a new member of your group" He smiled as he guided a very tall black haired male from outside of the room. "This is Jeongin, and make him feel like family alright?" He asked making all of us nod. Wait! Isn't that Jeonginie? My best friend? Wait it can't be... he doesn't look like him. "Ok good.. don't scare him ok? He's just shy" He pet Jeongin's hair and left the room.

"H-h-hi.. I'm Jeongin" He smiled cutely showing us his braces. "Wait.. Isn't that" Hyunjin looked shocked making me shake my head. "I don't think so.. It might be some other guy that has the name Jeongin" I sighed and ruffled my hair making it all messy. "Hello Jeongin! I'm Chan the leader of this group" He smiled showing his one dimple as he shook his hand. "Hello" He bowed in respect. Everyone said their names until it was Hyunjin's and I's turn.

"Hey Jeongin.. I'm Hyunjin and this is my sister Y/n" He introduced me as I smiled kindly in return. "Y/n... wait.." He stopped and looked deeply at me then looked down towards my necklace. "Y/n?" He held my shoulders making me feel shocked. "Y-yeah?" "Y/n! IT'S YOU!" He pulled me into a deep hug as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"We'll give you guys some alone time" Hyunjin said as he exited out of the room and along with the other members. "Jeonginie?" We both pulled away and I stared at his face. He looked very different. He used to have a chubby kids face but now he looks manlier and his jawline is sharp. "Y/n.. I told you I was coming back" He smiled as I pulled him into another hug. "I missed you" I said into his shoulder making him chuckle..

"I missed you too Y/n.." He smiled into my hair as he pulled away and took the heart necklace into his hands. "You still have it?" He asked as he caressed his slender fingers over the carvings of our names. "Yea.. I wore it every single day" He smiled at me as he back away a bit. "How did you end up in here?" I asked making him think for a second. "Well after going to Japan.. I sang trot for my grandmother and her friends and that's when I decided that I wanted to be an idol."

I giggled as I ruffled his brown hair. "What about you?" He asked me as I told him that same reason. "Ya I just like singing and dancing and I might be the leader for my group that JYP's planning on creating and i'm here with the others because I bought coffee for them." I said making him smile. "Hey.. um Y/n? I have a question" He held both of my hands making me start to get nervous. "I've liked you for several years.. way before I let tot Japan and I was wondering if you would like to become my girlfriend?" He said nervously as he avoided eye contact.

I smiled at his cuteness as I kissed his cheek. "Yes Jeonginie.. I would love to" I smiled at him as he pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss. We pulled away with a smack sound and smiled at each other. "I promised you that I'll come back." He smirked making me roll my eyes. "Yes Jeonginie.. Now I know that you keep promises." "That's right Y/n I do keep promises..." 

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