Jeongin pt.2

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i just finished this at 11:16pm and i'm dead.. but enjoy :)


You were happily strolling down the street. Your son asked you if he could have one piece of candy while walking back home. You were about to answer no but then your lovely husband cut you off. "Of course honey.. only one though" He giggled as your son Daejun stopped on the sidewalk, digging into his bag trying to find his favorite candy bar. He smiled as he found a huge kit kat bar (my favorite candy.. what's yours?) Daejun whined as his cute little chubby fingers couldn't open the wrapper, immeaditly asking his dad for help.

"D-daddy.." He whined as he saw Jeongin being petty and not helping your poor son. You silently glared at him as Jeongin abruptly stops laughing and helping Daejun. You smiled at the sight to see Jeongin bending down towards your son's height opening the piece of candy. "Thank you daddy!" His eyes went wide as he saw the delicious piece of chocolate right in front of him. "You're welcome honey.." Jeongin kissed his cheeks as he stood up from his current position.

"Babe?" You turned your attention to Jeongin who was staring right into your soul. "Yes Jeonginie?" You engulfed his hand into yours sending butterflies into your stomach as always. "Wanna get some dinner?" He asked making you nod your head. "Ok let's head home and get the car" He turned to your son who was currently downing the huge piece of chocolate which made you regret. "Honey.. how's he gonna eat dinner?" You pointed to Daejun who had chocolate covered all over the sides of his mouth. Jeongin only shrugged as he continued to walk to the house.

Once you guys were at your house, Jeongin cranked the car while you were putting away all of the candy that Daejun got. "M-mommy.. I want another piece of candy" You shook your head as you jumped up on your heels to put the bag on top of the fridge. After you were done you looked down to see your son pouting and crossing his arms. Cute you thought since it reminded you of Jeongin, when you declined to have a cuddling session due to your huge stomach, which was carrying your child. "After dinner ok?" He nodded obeying happily.

"Ok let's go now Daejunnie.. Your dad's waiting in the car" Daejun happily grabbed your hand and both of you walked out of the house but not before locking the door. Once you got out of the house you saw Jeongin sitting in the car looking down on his phone. Daejun took his hand out of yours and ran towards the car. He opened the backseat and got onto his little car seat. You buckled his seat belt and slammed the door shut. You also got in the car to see Jeongin happily smiling at you.

"What are you smiling about?" You asked making him chuckle. "Can't I smile when I see my beautiful wife?" He smiled, showing his bootiful braces. You rolled your eyes as you were about to buckle your seat belt but then he beat you to it. Your heart beat rapidly as you felt his hands slowly graze over your fingers making him giggle. "You're so cute!" Jeongin exclaimed excitedly as he kissed your cheek.

Your face was bright red but you chose to ignore it and take out your phone. He chuckled as he drove out of the driveway and onto the road. "Where are we going to eat?" You looked up from your phone. "Umm... Jisung and Minho's diner" "JISUNG HYUNG AND MINHO HYUNG?" Daejunie yelled from the backseat making you chuckle. "Yes sweetie.. it's been a long time since we saw them" You turned around smiling at him as he giggled.

Once you got to the restaurant, you immeaditly saw Jisung at the counter wiping the counter and Minho standing next to him admiring his work. Jeongin whistled making the two love birds look up. "OH! ITSN'T THAT THE MAKNAE, Y/N, AND DAJUNIE!" Jisung yelled across of the diner as he left Minho and ran over to Daejunie.. "JISUNG HYUNG!" Your son happily jumped into Jisung's arms as he carried him over the counter. "Hi Minho hyung!" Minho fist bumped Daejun making you giggle. "Hello you little gangster"

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