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Request for lauralee0731! I hope you enjoy this imagine, I didn't know who was your bias and I just took a wild guess and did Jisung. :) 


"Hello! My name is Y/n and I've been a trainee for 2 years" You bowed in respect as you were placed in front of 9 males. "Hi Y/n! My name is Chan.. and I'm the leader of this group called Stray Kids" He made everyone bow. "So why am I here?" You asked to Bambam who brought you here. "Because you're gonna train with these children.." He patted your head.

"ok" You shrugged and stared at each one of them. As you went through person by person your eyes immeaditly caught this one squirrel looking guy. He had navy blue hair and wearing a blue hoodie with some jeans. You guys made eye contact and you quickly looked away. "Alrighty.. You're gonna train with them for 1 week and then you'll come back to me and Jaebum ok?" You nodded as Bambam kissed your head before leaving.

"Woah you guys are dating?" The squirrel asked. You shook your head no. "No.. He's just my protective fake brother" You chuckled making all of them nod their heads. "Ok guy's let's introduce ourselves to Y/n" "Hi, I'm Woojin and I'm the oldest" He smiled happily. "Lee Know you know" He winked. "Baby Changbin" He held up a peace sign and smiled cutely. "I'm Hyunjin" He smiled kindly. You could tell that his ass was the visual "Jisung.." The navy blue squirrel piped up. "Felix.." He smiled making you smile as well. Damn what a deep voice that guy had you thought. "I'm Dandy boy Seungmin" He giggled making you smile. "And I'm the cute maknae Jeonginie!" He poked his dimples, instantly making you coo in cuteness. "I'm Y/n again.. And I'm aiming for being the main dancer for my team" You said making them nod their heads.

"Alrighty so we're gonna work on dancing first ok?" Chan said making you nod your head. You were a pretty good dancer so it was breeze learning their dance. "Wow! Nice dancing" Minho said as he took a huge sip of his water. "Thanks.." You panted as you took out your phone. You got a text from your friend. Hey Y/n.. how's training doing for you? A smile was painted on your face as you read the text from your best friend. It's going good for me.. How's classes going? You texted back as you skipped a day of school to meet the new people who were gonna help you train to become better.

It's going fine.. I miss you :( You chuckled at the text. I miss you too. Don't worry I'll see you later ok? You smiled at your best friend. Ok Y/n! Sounds good to me.. I got to go now too, I have p.e, and you know how I feel about that class. You laughed loudly as you clearly remembered why Junkyu hates p.e class. You shut off your phone and happily smiled. "Your boyfriend?" You looked up to see Jisung staring at you. "No.. Just a close friend." He quirked an eyebrow but continued to warm up his voice.

"Y/n-ah.. How old are you?" You snapped your head to meet Jeongin who was smiling that showed his cute braces and dimples. "00' liner" You said making him pout. "Aww.. You're one year older than me" You giggled and ruffled his hair. "Then you're my age.. Along with Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Felix." Jisung said as he was crossing his arms. "Oh ok.. Cool" You teared your eyes away from his hard gaze. "Alright guys.. Let's try singing and dancing now" You nodded even though you were iffy about singing since your passion was rapping. You can sing but you just weren't confident with singing as much as you were with rapping.

You tried your hardest to sing but your voice kept cracking. "You're a rapper.. Aren't you?" Jisung asked as the music came to a pause. "Yep.." You nodded. "I'm a rapper myself and the way you can improve on singing is not scratching your throat. The way you're singing is dragging your vocal cords. Try to sing where your throat is completely working as well and not just the bottom of your throat." He said making you nod. "Thanks for the tip Jisung." You continued to sing a random song that came into your mind making Jisung clap his hands.

"See! Don't you feel that your throat feels cleared? It doesn't feel clogged?" He explained making you smile and nod again. "Yes.. Thank you" You bowed as he ruffled your hair. "Your welcome" He flashed you a smile before running off to the other side of the room.


After a week of training with Stray Kids, you finally felt more confident with singing and rapping. "How was training with them Y/n?" Bambam asked as he ran his fingers through his hair. "It was good! I learned a lot" You said as he nodded. "That's good to hear, also JYP said that they have a group you can debut with" He said excitedly making you jump up from your seat. "R-really?" He nodded and he smiled widely. "Oh my gosh!" You threw yourself on him, hugging him like crazy. Bambam chuckled and hugged you back. "I-i got to tell Jisung!" You wiggled out of his tight grip and dashed out of the room.

You waited impatiently in the elevator and right when you heard the ding you ran out of the cubicle and dashed to Stray Kids's practice room. "GUYS!" You yelled as you bursted through the glass door. They stopped stretching and looked at you. "I-i have group to debut with now" You declared making everyone cheer. "We're so happy for you Y/n!" Woochan made their way and gave you a loving hug. "I'm so happy for you noona!" You ruffled Jeongin's hair playfully.

"Woah look at my Y/n grow.." You fist bumped Seungmin and you stared at Felix who was dramatically laying in Changbin's arms. "Stop being so dramatic" You lightly smacked his head making Changbin laugh. "Aww babe you're finally gonna debut" Minho winked making everyone fake gagged. Hyunjin covered his mouth and smiled at you. "Aww my hard work finally payed off" The blue squirrel wiped off a fake tear. "Yeah.. I guess" He hugged you and you gladly wrapped your arms around him. "I need to talk to you for a second." Jisung pulled away and stared into your eyes. "O-ok.." He lightly grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the chaotic room.

"Y/n.." He started as he took your hands into his. "Before you debut.. Wanna hang out sometime?" Jisung softly said as he was playing with your fingers. "Sure.. It's not a date right?" You asked and raised an eyebrow at the now red squirrel. "Actually.. it is a date" He looked up slowly, seeing how you would react. "Ok! Then that's fine" You happily said making his face suddenly light up with joy. "O-ok! I'll pick you up from your house tonight at 7" He said making you nod your head happily. "I'll see you then ok Jisungie" You pecked his cheek making him suddenly turn red again. "O-ok bye" He said shyly as he watched you walk away from him and towards the elevator. and all he could think about that moment was seeing how this friendship you guys had was gonna bloom..


Thank you for 75k views. LY guys! <3

 LY guys! <3

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