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(Request by jungkookie_mi) Sorry it took so long to do. I've just been tired lately and I only have two more weeks of school and my teachers are piling work up on me. But I hope you enjoy :) 


"Y/n?" I heard someone called my name and I turned my head to see my best friend Lucas (NCT). "Hey Lucas.. Whatcha need?" I shut my locker and turned my body to where I was facing him. "Wanna come with me to my dance competition tonight?" He asked as he adjusted his backpack straps making me nod my head.

"Sure Lucas.. I'll come to your dance thing." I pinched his cheeks making him slap his hands away. "YAH!" He glared making me burst into laughter. "I'm sorry" I pouted making him look away in disgust. "Please Lucas oppa.. forgive me?" I bashed my lashes at him making him sprint away.

"Where are you going?!" I yelled through the hallways making him yell back. "GET THIS CUTIE AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled at the students making all of them feel disgusted. "Oh Lucas..." I shook my head as I continued to walk towards the last class of the day.

After class I grabbed my backpack and dashed out of the school building. I went home, showered, ate, and changed into new and fresh clothes. After I did.. I heard a loud knock on my door. "COMING!" I ran downstairs and swung open the door to see Lucas smiling.

"Come on sloth ass let's go!" He yelled as he pulled me towards his car. He shoved me into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. "So... where is this competition?" I asked as I took his phone and started to take random selfies on it. "Well.. it's about 30 minutes away from here" He started tapping on the steering wheel making me sigh.

"Ugh.. fine" I frowned as I placed down back his phone in the drink compartments. After driving we finally arrived. Lucas parked and kicked my ass out of his car. "Come on slow ass.. We're gonna be late!" He grabbed my hand and we both ran towards the theater. He passed the guy 2 vip tickets and we both ran in.

"Stay here and wait for me to get out of that dressing room ok?" He said as he dragged me to his little changing room "Sure Lucas.. look good for the girls man" I winked making let out a huge fat chuckle. "Gotcha.. I'll be out in a sec" He smiled at me one last time before leaving me in a dark hallway.

I tapped my feet lightly on the wooden floor as I waited for the door to be open to reveal Lucas. But, as I waited I felt someone pour something extremely hot on my sweatshirt. "OWW!" I hissed at the burn as the burning liquid pierce into the material of my sweatshirt.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I looked up to see a male who looked about my age. "You fucking idiot! Watch where the fuck you're going" I hissed at him making his facial expression turn from concern to angry. "Sorry.. It was a fucking accident" He shrugged making me even more than I ever was.

"Accident my ass.. Get the fuck out before I fucking kill your ugly ass" I rolled my eyes as I tried to leave to find a bathroom.. "The bathrooms is down the hall and on the right side" He spoke out of nowhere. "Thanks dumbass" I scoffed as I continued to walk down the hall. "You're welcome bitch" He smiled making me roll my eyes.

"Woah.. Y/n you look like shit" Lucas said as he saw me with a huge brown stain on my WHITE sweatshirt. "Shut up fatass.. let's just go to your stupid competition and get this over with." I said as I grabbed his leather jacket and pulling him to the stage.

After the completion, Lucas took me home peacefully. "Who spilled that stain on you? Or you did?" Lucas asked as he turned the engine on of his car. "Some dumbass did" I mumbled out making Lucas burst out laughing. "Just drive the fucking car before I fucking cut your golden locks" I threatened making him immediately stop laughing.

Once we got to my house, I stomped out of his car and dragged my feet into the house. (The next day) I woke up and got ready for mother fucking school. I got dressed and as usual Lucas drove me to school.

"See ya nerd.." Lucas held a peace sign as he walk away and towards his class. I chuckled as I also head towards my own class. "Morning students.. we have a new student coming in today" The teacher stepped aside and I was so shook. "It's the guy who spilled coffee on me" I muttered as he introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Bang Chan and I have a passion for dancing" He smiled making all of the other girls squeal in excitement.

"Ok Chan.. you can sit next to Y/n." She pointed at me making me pull my hood on covering my face from him. I saw him smirk as he confidently walked next to me and sat down. "Hey bitch" He smiled showing his one dimple. "Sup dumbass.." "Wanna hang out later? Maybe after school?" "Sure........ dumbass"

Who knew this dumbass started the relationship that will last forever by just spilling hot coffee on me.... 

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