Jeongin pt.3

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Your head started to pound as you heard muffling yelling near you. You shot open your eyes to see Jun standing in front of you, creepily staring at you. "Hello Y/n.." He giggled as you were moving your arms and legs around that was chained to the ground. You were about to scream but he swiftly taped your mouth with duck tape. Your cries were muffled as your vision started to become blurry. Jun pouted as he wiped your fallen tears. "Don't cry, I'm not gonna hurt you.. maybe Jeonginie though.."

Tears came out rapidly to see Jun slowly making his way towards Jeongin. His mouth was also duck taped and tied up. It looked like he was still unconscious. Hundreds of thoughts were flooding your mind. "Where's Daejun?" Was the first thing you thought of since you didn't see him anywhere in this small tight spaced room. The room had one glass window.. It was made out of wood and looking outside of the window was just tall trees. There was two lights installed in the ceiling shining down on you two.

"The squirrel took the kid and dashed off before I could get to him.." He chuckled evilly. "But I got his boyfriend tho.." He pointed to the unconscious Minho in the corner. His face was bruised and it looks like he was dead. He wasn't tied up or anything which was kind of stupid. "Oh don't worry sweetheart.. he's not dead.. maybe not yet" He laughed like a maniac as you eyes were full of tears. "Don't cry Y/n-ah.. I hate when I see you cry.." He pouted making your tears fall harder.

"Look at me Y/n.." He said softy making your eyes glue to the ground. "I SAID LOOK AT ME!" He harshly grabbed your face and jerked your head up to meet his eyes. "It's simple Y/n.." Jun let go of you face harshly and smiled. "If you want to save Minho and Jeongin you have to love me, live with me, and hell even glued to me forever.." Tears gathered in your eyes as you turned your head to look at Jeongin.

His head was down and still unconscious. "If you say no then Jeongin and Minho is gonna die right in front of your own eyes.. but then i'll take you and force you to stay with me.. so either way you're gonna be with me" He shrugged as he ripped the tape off of your mouth. You were about to yell at Jeongin to wake him up but Jun kissed you. Tears kept flowing down your face as he forced himself in your mouth. You felt so dirty.. you were only meant for Jeongin and now it makes you feel guilty for letting another men get to you that easily.

"What's the choice sweetheart?" He pulled away and licked his lips. "I-i.." You paused for a second as you saw Jeongin trying to move. "J-jeongin" You squeaked as you saw him slowly opening his eyes. "Y-y/n?" He said unconsciously as he was scanning the room. His eyes landed at you making his eyes widen. "Y/N!" He yelled as he started yell and move around but it was no use. Jun already tied his hands and legs. "hush!" Jun grabbed Jeongin by the throat and smirked. His eyes were burning with fire.

"Look what we have here... Jeonginie's awake" Jun let go of his neck and clapped loudly. "Are you gonna save your family now?" He chuckled as he made his way back to you. "And you have to watch painfully at this." He bent down and quickly sucked on your neck. Sobs were leaving your mouth as you saw Jeongin's whole face turn red in pure anger. "STOP IT YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled as he watched the scene in front of him.

Jun was forcing himself on you as you tried to move your head around back and fourth like a maniac. He got angry and held your neck in place. Red and purple marks filled your neck as Jun pulled away satisfied with his artwork. "Leave her alone!" He shouted which woke Minho up from his unconscious state. You saw Minho slowly rise up on his feet. You calmly looked at Minho as he was trying to gain consciousness and his balanced. Jun was still distracted by you as he was still leaving kisses as Jeongin was constantly yelling at him to stop.

Minho stumbled towards Jun and stopped. Jeongin was too busy to notice as all he was focused on was Jun leaving marks and kisses on you. Minho smirked as he saw the perfect opportunity to take a hard swing at him. He came up behind Jun and threw his arm around his throat. Jun tried to get out of his choking portion but Minho was ten times stronger than him. Minho added pressure to his grip making Jun's face turn blue.

You watched in awe as you saw Jun on the ground in no time. "Don't mess with me and my friends you bitch.." Minho spat down at him and made his way towards you to help untie the ropes. You sighed in relief as you felt your wrists being free. "Thank you Minho oppa." You said making him winked in return. "You're welcome.. Now let's untie Jeongin and get the hell out of here" You untied Jeongin's feet while Minho untied his hands.

Jeongin immeaditly bolted up from the chair and engulfed you into a hug. "A-are you ok?" He pulled away and looked at your neck. "Yeah.. just some disgusting marks" You felt kind of guilty because you let another man touch you. "It's ok.. Let's just get going.. Back to our son" He held out his hand and you gladly accepted it. "Yeah.. and my Jisungie" Minho added on as he heard the police sirens echoing in the distance. "Let's get home guys.."


It's been a couple of months since the whole kidnapped incident.. Jun's in jail due to harassment and kidnapping. Minsung is together again and you and Jeongin as well. Now Jeongin gets more jealous and protective whenever you guys go out.. When ever you guys go to a part he would purposely make a hickey on a spot of your neck where you can't hide it. You don't wear makeup so it was totally an advantage for him.

"Daejunie.. Wanna watch a movie?" You asked as you were setting up for movie night. "Yes mommy!" He came running into your arms and giggling. "Ok watch the movie while I get your daddy ok?" He nodded cutely and you pecked his cheek. You walked up to your shared room to see Jeongin laying on the bed with his phone.

"Come on baby.. It's movie night" You kissed his lips making him smirk. "Sure.. But I wanna do something before movie night" Jeongin roughly grabbed your waist.. pulling your body towards him. "Not today mister." You poked his chest with your index finger and escaped his embrace. "Aww why?" He stood there stomping his foot on the ground and pouting. Such a man child you thought. "No.. just no" You shook you heard playfully and let the room. "I love you tho.." You yelled making him scoff. "Sure.. you do" Jeongin rolled his eyes and made his way towards the living room. "I heard that!" He giggled cutely and gave you a kiss on the lips.




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