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Request by hyunjio! I hope you enjoyed this imagine! And also thanks for requesting twice! <3


You sighed to yourself as you looked in your wallet for any form of cash. You were hungry and you decided to buy yourself some dinner. The lifestyle you wearing living in wasn't all that great. You barely had any money to buy yourself food since all of the money you earned went to your rent. You sighed to yourself as you pulled out a 5 dollar bill.. Maybe you could get some mcdonalds you thought. After buying take out, you held it in your hands and started your journey home. It smelled so good you thought.

As you were walking on the sidewalk you passed an alleyway. You looked into the alleyway to see three male figures hovering over one person. You went towards the people and hid behind a dumpster, taking your phone out to record. The male in the middle held gun point to the person who was the ground. A scream echoed through the street as the gun was fired, making you gasp loudly. One male turned towards you and yelled. "GET HER!" You quickly stopped the recording and stuffed your phone into your pocket. Sadly you had to ditch your food which was sitting on the ground. You took off quickly but you felt a sharp pain on the back of your heel.

"Fuck.." You hissed in pain as you fell onto the concrete. You tried to get up again but the pain in your heel was too unbearable that you just had to stay where you were. "You know.. It's not cool to run away from people" A guy with squirrel like features said as he hovered over you. "Shut up.." You tried to get up but he pushed you back onto the ground. "No can do.. We have to take you with us" He said as the two other males appeared out of no where. "What the fuck? No way.." You shook you head making him shrug. "Sorry.. but you have too.. there's no way we can let you escape when you saw what we did" Another one spoke up making you scream. You yelled as loud as you could but before you knew it you were knocked out on the street.


"Why the fuck did you knock her out?" You heard as you slowly got to your senses. The last thing you saw was the three guys in front of you. You groaned as you suddenly start to feel the side of your head throbbing in pain. You fluttered your eyes open to see once again the three guys you saw before you passed out. "W-where am I?" You quickly sat up and immediately you felt a throbbing pain on the side of your head. "You're in our place" One of them said as you groaned. The pain was so unbearable that you felt that you were gonna cry. "Here's some painkillers." You took the pills and the glass of water and quickly swallowed it. "Does it feel better?" You slowly nodded as you put the empty glass of water to the table beside you.

"Can I leave now?" You asked as you got onto your feet. You looked at your heel to see it was bandaged up.. "Chan hyung treated your wound" One of them said earning a nod. "Tell him I said thanks ok? I'm gonna just leave now" You were about to leave but an arm grabbed you. "You can't leave. You saw us killing someone so we can't let you leave" The squirrel said. "W-why? P-please! Just let me leave! I'm not gonna call the cops on you guys" You pleaded as tears started to form in your eyes. Even though you were poor doesn't mean you didn't have a life. You still had school to attend despite the part time job you had.

"Sorry not sorry.. That's what you get for getting into other people's business" One of them said as tears fell out of your eyes. You roughly wiped your cheeks with your hoodie sleeves. "Whatever.. But please.. I have school, a job, friends" You started listing everything to make them change their minds. "Still.. We don't feel sympathy for anyone Y/n.." The same guy spoke making you freeze. "How do you know my name?" You asked making him chuckle. "You really are clueless huh? We're gang members.. We can track anyone down" He laughed making your eyes widen. How did you get into a mix with gang members. You had to get out of there somehow.

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