Chapter 6 - What happened to Grumpy Noah?

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You know those moments when everything around you seem too surreal to be true?

Well, Noah Allen standing in front of me, with arms crossed over his chest and telling me that I should stop drinking is one of those moments.

''Sure, dad.'' Is what I manage to say after I stop laughing.

I take another sip of my beer just to make my point. It will be a cold day in hell when I let him tell me what to do.

''Seriously, you're already drunk. You should take it slow.''

He looks at me with what I think is concern, an expression I've never seen on him when it comes to me.

In general, is either a frown or a glare.

''Are you for real?''

I put my cup down before I incarnate Tom Brady and score a touchdown on his face, the cup being the ball.

I smile at the thought.

It would be one hell of a touchdown.

He looks at me with a questioning look, like I'm a lunatic.

''You barely talk to me, you avoid me at all costs and when we do speak, you make fun of whatever I'm saying. Now you care about me getting drunk?''

I probably wouldn't be snapping if it wasn't the beer, but why should I care? It's not like he doesn't deserve it. Considering he has been a jerk since the day we met and the fact that I'm drunk, this is a good enough reason for me.

''I didn't say I care, I just said you should stop drinking.''

Of course. You wouldn't care even if I was attacked by flying sharks. In case you're wondering, it can totally happen.

I saw Sharknado.

''And why should I listen to you?''

He opens his mouth to say something, but before any sound comes out of it, a guy I've never seen before shows up out of nowhere and puts his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

He smells like pure alcohol and I think I might throw up.

''Ok, that's enough.'' Noah grabs the guy's arm and pushes him away. ''Don't you fucking touch her, do you understand me?''

Noah is now holding the guy's shirt in a threatening way, his eyes darker than before. Now he is defending me too?

That's something I never thought I'd see happening, but the one thing that I'm actually thinking is why does he look so hot doing it?

The guy's eyes widen and he's clearly too drunk to have a single clue what he's doing.

Not the this is an excuse to go around assaulting people.

The guy puts his hand up in surrender, getting himself out of Noah's grip. He's probably afraid of the killer look he's receiving from Noah right now.

He finally stumbles back to the living room and I'm again alone with Noah wondering what the hell just happened.

Noah holds my arm to support me as I'm not being able to stand still. I look up to meet his eyes, confused as shit.

It's the first time we have any psychical contact, and it makes me feel a weird sensation all over my body. Scratch that, it's the first time we're even this close, touching or not.

This is normal, right? I mean, I'm intoxicated, so it's the alcohol that is giving me the chills. It has to be that.

It's a total foreign feeling.

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