Chapter 12 - Stay Away from Him

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After I've made through most of the day, not without thinking of different ways to burn the building down just to avoid us from having more classes, all I need is coffee.

I don't know how I'll live to see the end of today if I don't grab my cup of cappuccino or something that contains caffeine.

I'd like to meet whoever invented coffee. Seriously, this person deserves a hug.

I continue my way to feel happiness in the shape of a coffee cup with my name written on it with a smiley face.

I get to the place that's now too familiar after the countless times I've been here and after ordering what I want, I sit at one of the outside tables to enjoy the afternoon sun, hoping this will make me feel in a better mood.

It's not long after I'm enjoying my own company, that someone approaches me, blocking my light.

What now?

''Hello Emma.'' I look up and see Diana and her two barbie friends.

The three of them are looking at me trying to do what I think is a mean face and failing miserably.

''What do you want Diana?''

I haven't seen her lately and something tells me that that Noah is the reason why she's standing in front of me.

She pulls a chair and makes herself comfortable, while I just stare at her with a blank face.

I really don't want to deal with her today. Or ever.

''You see, I want to discuss something you and I have a lot of common interest.'' She makes a dramatic pause.

''Which is? Sorry, I can't think of anything we could possibly have in common.''

I mean it. We're completely opposites, starting by the way we are dressed.

She's wearing a short pink dress, high heels, perfect make-up and sunglasses on the top of her head, while my look says 'I don't give a shit' all over.

I know she notices my outfit, because she analyzes me from head to toe with a disgusted and horrified look on her face, but again, I don't care.

''You know what I'm talking about.'' I narrow my eyes, pretending to be thinking.

As I don't say anything, she enlightens me with the answer I already knew she would give me.

''Noah.'' I make my best fake surprised expression just to tease her.

''Oh, what about him?''

Her impatient face is priceless. I think I pissing her off is my new hobby.

I'm laughing internally, but my face is not giving away any emotion.

I take it back about not being good at acting. Maybe I should join the drama club.

''Stay away from him.''

Can you believe this girl? I want to laugh at her face, like laugh until tears are rolling down my cheeks.

''Wow, and here I was, thinking the high school days were over, but I guess it's like we're sixteen again. You think you're popular and intimidating. It's really cute, you know?''

''Very funny.'' She doesn't laugh though. ''I mean it.''

My sarcasm is incredible today and I high-five myself.

I really don't have the energy to discuss with her. I don't know why she would even think I have some interest in Noah. Even if we did make amends today, we still don't like each other, but I guess she doesn't know that.

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